Example sentences of "be [vb pp] as [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In which case the non-verbal concomitants of the various utterances are improvised as if for the first time , and in the best of all possible productions an unforeseeable Lear , Macbeth or Rosalind emerges in performance , and the speeches come across expressing meanings which would have been hard to foresee from reading the bare text .
2 Of the three , that showing John Tradescant is the finest , for neither corpse in the other two paintings is shown in shrouds , both women having been painted as if at the moment of death rather than after the laying-out .
3 Somehow sensing this connection , clerics have been drawn as if by a magnet to the rails .
4 For a second the boat seemed to be frozen as if in a frame of news film .
5 The Allies seemed to be drawn as if by a magnet to our local villages .
6 The famous late figurine of a goddess found in a small rural shrine at Gazi wears a diadem embellished with three carefully depicted poppy seed-heads , and they have been cut as if for the extraction of opium .
7 LEFT The use of aerial photography in understanding cropmarks : at the top , the cropmarks seen from ground level ; in the centre the cropmarks are viewed as if in an oblique aerial photograph , and below , the same cropmarks are seen as if in a vertical aerial photograph .
8 Arncliff folk were so poor — the meagre belongings of all twenty-seven totalling no more than £9. 7s. 4d. — that when the subsidy came to be levied , Robert Selson and William Prysche , with 20s. apiece , John Knolles ( 26s. 8d. ) , and Thomas and Leonard Atkynson ( 10s. each ) were selected as if at random and assessed at £2 each ; although the first two also enjoyed tiny incomes from land , it is to be hoped that some at least of their neighbours chipped in to make up the shilling due from each .
9 It was so seldom that Aggie heard herself addressed by her surname that she turned and looked at the nun , but the woman 's eyelids were lowered as if in shame ; then she inclined her head towards the woman sitting behind the desk before turning and closing the door quietly behind her .
10 Very unusual pentacles and magic circles etched into the stone and traced with silver and mercury have been destroyed as if by something bursting up through them from below .
11 One alternative Chinese perspective is shen yuan , in which the viewer is placed as if on a hill , and the horizon line is thus high up , almost a bird 's eye view .
12 To the grown man visionary experiences come infrequently , but when they do appear the effect is profound , as in ‘ the Blind Beggar ’ episode ; caught in the maelstrom of London , the poet is admonished as if from another world' ( see page 64 ) .
13 In the robin ( A ) the ‘ arm ’ beneath the feathers is extended as if for flight , and folded within the ‘ wrist ’ well up under the cheek .
14 Her body was squeezed as if between great trees .
15 They had made the length of Loch Ness in one day , not bad going for an old man on horseback ; ‘ when he rode , ’ says Boswell at the end of the Life , ‘ he had no command or direction of his horse , but was carried as if in a balloon . ’
16 The sea was etched as if in some surrealistic , two dimensional painting , a restless scene caught in an endless camera flash that pushed back the night .
17 Suddenly she switched on a yellow lamp that stood by her on the table and moved the snake-like stem so that Larry 's face was spotlighted as if on stage .
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