Example sentences of "be [vb pp] if i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My practical mastery had made me acutely aware of the boundaries which separate those inside the institution from those excluded from the specialist knowledge of ‘ doing the business ’ and I was more than ever aware of the suspicions which would have been aroused if I had introduced questions of an academic nature , or had distributed questionnaires .
2 The problem with my files would have been solved if I had been using an IBM machine — but they were way beyond my price range when I bought my first computer .
3 Unless I mean this hedgehog could have been done if I left it could n't it ?
4 I know I 'm too thin , I do n't like what I look like and I 've been told if I lose any more weight I 'll have to give up work and be admitted to hospital .
5 You wish to think all the world respectable , and are hurt if I speak ill of any body .
6 I can not be refuted if I claim that my visual sense-field contains a yellow sense-content , but I can be refuted if I go on to claim that there exists a yellow object that is responsible for my sense-content .
7 Similarly , I can not be refuted if I claim to experience a religious emotion .
8 I can not be refuted if I claim that my visual sense-field contains a yellow sense-content , but I can be refuted if I go on to claim that there exists a yellow object that is responsible for my sense-content .
9 ‘ I 'm old enough to be forgiven if I tell you that the news did n't sadden me .
10 ‘ I 'm buggered if I know what the point is , ’ said Wilcox sourly .
11 ‘ Then I 'm buggered if I know , but I 'll check the mechanics for you .
12 I 've definitely got one cos I remember her sheet now as I was looking at it , but where it is I 'm buggered if I know .
13 ‘ I 'm buggered if I understand that Army of yours . ’
14 ‘ I should be mortified if I thought I 'd missed a chance to do him a mischief , but it 'd be a cold day in hell before I 'd make a spectacle of myself in the market place . ’
15 She has always had this dream that I would make it to university and she will be devastated if I do n't continue , but the way I am feeling now , I do n't want to .
16 Said that in future he 'd be obliged if I kept careful note of when Mr Meredith took out a horse .
17 ‘ I 'll be ruined if I have to pay ! ’
18 Not a thing will be done if I do .
19 Bits of Meccano lay around waiting to be pilfered if I 'd had the courage .
20 He said it was clear to him you were pining away , and that you could only be saved if I took you away and made love to you for the rest of our lives . ’
21 Well I 'm blowed if I saw it on , on that receipt .
22 You go , Joanna — you know Ian Woodall , so that wo n't be embarrassing for you , but I 'm blowed if I want to meet Robert Sheldrake socially . ’
23 For a moment another thought crossed my mind — that if I lived in the United States while undertaking an ‘ experiment ’ I might be sued if I failed .
24 I can surely do what I like on my day off , not be reproached if I choose to come home early because I feel tired , and secondly , as I said before , I am not playing games .
25 My heart aches for him sometimes , but I 'm blessed if I know if he 's happy ; if he ever wants to marry , have a family , he keeps his thoughts , feelings very much to himself .
26 For one thing , you 're not the only one who 'll be affected if I give that story about the poison pen letter to the press .
27 Heard about you being sick and put two and two together — though what the other two was , I 'm damned if I know .
28 But I 'm damned if I know where it 's coming from . "
29 I 'm damned if I know why I did n't tell you in the first place , back when all this started happening .
30 I think the British end somehow managed to start itself up — though I 'm damned if I see how . ’
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