Example sentences of "be [vb pp] from [art] [num] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of reliability estimates , correlations are calculated from the two sets of scores obtained from inter-rater , test-retest or split-half comparisons .
2 Erm , in paragraph thirteen , Invest in People , the target date for er , achievement in the award has been delayed from the twenty seventh of , sorry the twenty eighth of February , until the twentieth of May , and the reason for that has been staff effort required to get community action going .
3 The Conservative Government 's attempts at reviving the private-rented sector have met with very little success though in due course more substantial results are expected from the 1988 Housing Act .
4 The amount of aid affected included US$56,000,000 which had not yet been disbursed from the 1990 programme and US$57,200,000 in allocations for fiscal 1991 .
5 Cyclists can use any of Britain 's 20,000 miles of bridleways and certain tracks , but they 're banned from the 100,000 miles of footpaths which causes tension .
6 When they arrived home , Liz quickly wrote to the curator of the castle 's museum to ask for a pattern of the dress , only to be told that it had been copied from an 1898 issue of the London Illustrated News .
7 Because there is a good general correspondence between courses she has been exempted from the 3 history compulsory basic modules and from 2 politics ones .
8 The half-boiled storyline could have been poached from a hundred different games : Dizzy and Daisy were in the Enchanted Forest collecting cherries when they became hopelessly lost .
9 So , pangenesis could have been derived from the 1838 position , by pandynamic extension to the ova of powers previously denied to them , and by a panovulational extension to all other parts of powers and matters formerly reserved for the ovary .
10 The basic movements are derived from the five Chinese elements of metal , water , wood , fire and earth , each of which has the power to overcome the other .
11 Several inputs used in assessing the population over age 65 ‘ at risk ’ of requiring personal social services are derived from the 1977/9 National Dwelling and Housing Survey ( NDHS ) .
12 Arrowanas do not like fast-flowing water , choosing the quieter backwaters and sheltered reaches in the wild , and therefore the flow has to be diverted from the two Fluvals .
13 They may then be rolled onto a simple reel , which may be made from a 5 — gallon oil drum , and are ready for next year .
14 Its manufacturers employ more workers in Guangdong than they do in Hong Kong ; its hotels are filled with tourists and salesmen en route for Peking and Guilin ; its accountants , bankers and lawyers service thousands of foreign firms wide-eyed about the profits which they believe will one day be made from a billion Chinese consumers .
15 Subsequently , they carried out the investigation ‘ Maxbox ’ , which involved deciding which of the open boxes that can be made from a 12 cm x 12 cm square of paper by cutting squares from the corners and folding into a lidless cuboid ‘ held the most ’ .
16 As will be seen from the six volumes produced so far and — no doubt — their successors , many ( not all ) of the winning entrants use econometrics to establish that advertising is responsible for a specific sales effect ( or part of it ) .
17 As can be seen from the seven key works on show at the Tate Gallery ( above , The First Marriage , 1962 ) , his figures have an inner , as well as an outer , cleanliness .
18 The effect of contested takeover bids on a company 's share price may be seen from the 139 per cent increase in the price of Rowntree 's shares during the first six months of 1988 — the best performance of any share in the FT-SE 100 index .
19 Dyson then went about the task of enlisting support for the organisation , a process which was successful , as can be seen from the thirty-three signatories ( including Lord Attlee , the Bishops of Birmingham and Exeter , Isaiah Berlin , Julian Huxley , Bertrand Russell ) to the letter that appeared in The Times in March 1958 .
20 The house next door , Number 3 , was let out as three flats , as can be seen from the three bell-pulls and the much worn doorstep .
21 There is clearly variation in expression of the APC gene within families as can be seen from the three families we have presented in detail .
22 The two new figureheads , one man and one woman , are likely to be selected from the six speakers chosen by the party during the conference .
23 A widespread reaction , however , can be dated from the 1880s .
24 Restriction of the gestation period within which abortion may legally be performed from the 28 weeks defined in the 1967 Act was frequently urged by abortion reformers , for example to 18 weeks in the failed 1988 Private Members Bill by David Alton MP .
25 Milk brought by rail from the country to the town enabled the atrociously insanitary urban dairies to be abolished from the 1870s .
26 In a speech to the Lok Sabha Singh announced that small and marginal farmers would be completely exempted from the rise in fertilizer prices and that the average increase for other farmers would be reduced from the 40 per cent announced in his budget to 30 per cent .
27 There had earlier been an interim order which lasted for some 13 days up to 23 December 1991 and it is common ground on this appeal that the 13 days must by reason of the regulations be subtracted from the three months .
28 This may be derived from the CML .
29 During this period , as the surviving reports show , Mettingham was clearly the major figure in his court , though this dominance came increasingly to be shared from the mid-1290s with his colleague William de Bereford [ q.v . ] .
30 In fact the rot set in 15 years ago when Dr Coggan asked for a meeting with Jim Callaghan to lobby for the Church to be exempted from a two per cent surcharge on employers ' National Insurance contributions .
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