Example sentences of "be [vb pp] in [adj] case " in BNC.

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1 1.21 The plaintiff 's rights in relation to medical examinations by the defendant 's doctor have been redefined in two cases .
2 Alternatively , circuits may be built using basic components on the Plugblock ( prototype board ) — layouts are given in all cases .
3 Though it seems reasonable to assume that the ideal candidate for cardiac transplantation is one who has irreversible cardiac failure and severe symptomatic restrictions despite all treatment but with no requirement for intravenous or interventional support and no secondary end organ damage , in practice many of the patients referred for consideration of transplantation require active support in hospital and have been referred in some cases because they have developed secondary end organ damage .
4 In the ECM the avoidance of reserve requirements , etc. , permits the payment of higher interest on deposits ( competition forced these cost savings to be passed on to depositors ) while large loans are arranged in many cases by telephone or telex , and thus operating costs are kept to a minimum .
5 The pattern of bands shows clearly that FOO has been formed in this case .
6 Even though the fear of violence may have been justified in this case , the 30-mile zone and the fact that the disorder was expected to emanate from other than the marchers make the implications of the case disturbing , even in the context of Northern Ireland .
7 Spectacles or low vision aids may have been prescribed in some cases , and teachers should be informed about this .
8 All of Ptolemy 's original groups are still to be found on our maps , though their boundaries have been modified in many cases .
9 The statement on value added has been reported in some cases .
10 Decision : the criteria for the imposition of an indeterminate sentence had been considered in many cases , in particular Hodgson ( 1968 ) 52 Cr.App.R. 113 , Pither ( 1979 ) 1 Cr.App.R .
11 This general duty has been considered in many cases and is quite clearly based on what a person of ordinary honesty would consider honest/dishonest ( see Robb v Green [ 1895 ] 2 QB 315 ; Printers and Finishers Ltd v Holloway [ 1964 ] 3 All ER 731 and Roger Bullivant Ltd v Ellis [ 1987 ] ICR 464 at p475 per Nourse LJ ) .
12 McCann suggests that the idea of having a march through the city centre to commemorate him was inspired by this desire to provoke the authorities ; but given the importance of the centenary , it is likely that some kind of parade would have been organised in any case .
13 Much as I sympathise with the plaintiffs , it would , in my opinion , be extending the implications based on the maxim … to an unreasonable extent if it were held that what has been done in this case was a breach of an implied obligation .
14 Channel 4 said the three illustrations which caused all the upset would never have been transmitted in any case without further editing .
15 Similar discrepancies between the start sites predicted by S1 mapping and other methods have been noticed in other cases ( see for example reference 21 ) .
16 So clear is this conclusion to my mind that , notwithstanding anything which has been said in other cases , I would be very slow to concede that the word ‘ appropriates ’ in section 1(1) is in its context ambiguous .
17 Similar reasoning has been applied in other cases ( see eg Mendelssohn v Normand Ltd [ 1970 ] 1 QB 177 ; Jaques v Lloyd D George and Ptnrs [ 1968 ] 1 WLR 625 ) .
18 An underlying hormonal element has long been suspected in many cases of malignant melanoma .
19 profits have continued to represent about one-third of the turnover ; this is seen as not necessarily the highest proportion of profits to income in the headhunting business as a whole , where estimates of 60% have been made in some cases .
20 Although no official court ruling has yet been made in this case ( and under the Japanese legal system a final ruling is likely to be years in the making ) , MHW has decided to pay each infected haemophiliac the sum of 30,000 yen monthly ( about $280 ) and has earmarked a total of 500 million yen in the current year 's fiscal budget to meet payments .
21 All this is trite law and the contrary has , so far as I know , never been argued in any case which has come before the courts under the Act of 1977 .
22 Evidence for tissue specific , copy-dependent , position-independent expression has been shown mainly in cross-species transgenics ; such as , human β-globin ( 14,15,48 ) , CD2 ( 49 ) , α-globin ( 50 ) , and class I HLA-B7 ( 51,52 ) genes as well as for chicken lysozyme ( 53 ) , although absolute correlation between expression , tissue distribution and copy number has not been seen in all cases .
23 One should attempt to avoid the situation where your own surgeon is instructed to prepare an initial Report some 12–24 months after the accident or as has been seen in some cases , up to four years after an accident .
24 The significance of internal structures had already been accepted in some cases ( otherwise whales and dolphins would be classified as fish rather than as mammals ) , but Cuvier made this central to the classification of the whole animal kingdom .
25 The solicitor 's observations are sought in any case where shoddy work is found and the solicitor can request further consideration by a review panel of practising solicitors .
26 The same approach has been adopted in later cases .
27 I was talking on Sue , I was saying if you 've got a client who did n't give you the convenient forty two pounds , but said you 'd got forty or thirty pounds to spend , the first thing you 've got to do is take off the two pounds policy fee , so you 're left in this case , with thirty eight pounds .
28 Parents who questioned what appears to be an unwritten regulation have been told in each case that they are the only ones not co-operating …
29 It has little relevance in other countries , though a few ( e.g. Denmark and Norway ) have recorded a formal objection , and it appears to have been used in one case for communication from a U.S. attorney to a French huissier .
30 Even so , the guidelines have been used in other cases as factors to be considered where the statute applies ( see Woodman v Photo Trade Processing Ltd reported by Lawson in ( 1981 ) 131 NLJ 933 , at p935 ) .
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