Example sentences of "be [vb pp] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( 1 ) No reconstruction or extension of or alteration in any premises in respect of which a licence ( other than an off-sale licence ) is in force , being a reconstruction , extension or alteration which will affect a public or common part of such remises or any communication with such part , shall be made unless the licensing board within whose area such premises are situated has consented to such reconstruction , extension or alteration at a quarterly meeting of the board or at such other time as may be appointed by the board , or unless such reconstruction , extension or alteration is required by order of some lawful authority .
2 In particular , the divorcing parents who have been interviewed have tended to be those who requested counselling or mediation , the ages of their children have been very diverse , and the use of non-divorcing families as ‘ controls ’ is rare .
3 As in Donegal , such victories as have been won have resulted from a unified community opposition and through direct action .
4 For each key stage , programmes of study are to be drawn up specifying what pupils of different abilities are to be taught in each subject , and attainment targets set out specifying the knowledge , skills and understanding that they are expected to have acquired by the end of the stage .
5 An official closure date for the yard has not been announced , but the majority of the 500 workers are expected to have left towards the end of July , with the bulk going after this month 's commissioning ceremony .
6 A multi-millionairess with a fortune estimated at more than £10 million , a property tycoon in Australia where she was spending a fortune renovating her latest acquisition , a mammoth Victorian town house in the Melbourne suburbs , a singer poised to come of age with a backing band of her own and a world tour — the hologramic face of high technology in Japan , how could she ever again have been expected to have slipped into oily dungarees to tinker with the engine of a Land Rover ?
7 Pupils will now be tested when they are deemed to have moved from one stage to another and the teacher will be free to determine when this is the case .
8 Blaming the primary sufferer , other members of the family and all those who are considered to have contributed to the problem .
9 The first year of the internal market in the NHS has been claimed to have resulted in increased efficiency .
10 About 40 stags are reported to have disappeared in recent months .
11 As many as 70 inmates are reported to have died from malnutrition and medical neglect at Tchollir prison camp between December 1991 and March 1992 .
12 Thousands are reported to have died in custody over the past decade as a result .
13 The eggs are reported to have come from the monastery .
14 USL and SCO are reported to have worked through a lot of their emotional disparity if not their pricing differences over this business of SCO adopting SVR4 .
15 And after both of the major revolts in Palestine — that of 66–74 and that of 132–5 substantial numbers of defeated Judaic militants are reported to have fled to Alexandria .
16 One such group is GATT ( General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ) negotiators , who are felt to have concentrated on the economic consequences of trade restrictions , but neglected environmental ones .
17 Prices are reckoned to have risen by less than 20% during April .
18 ICL 's second trophy went to its Bracknell , Berkshire-based Mid Range Systems division for the volume of DRS 6000 series systems and associated Unix products and services shipped abroad — its revenues are reckoned to have trebled over the past three years to over £250m ; Cambridge-based IXI Ltd was recognised for its success in the open systems software arena with its X.desktop product for Unix , and Chalfont , Buckinghamshire-based Madge Networks Ltd , which ships its high performance Token Ring networking products across the world , and finds it necessary to kid the locals that it 's an American company when it is doing business in the US , also wins an Export award .
19 Some of the allegations that have been made have led to libel proceedings .
20 Those demands that have so far been made have come from Slovakia , the most controversial concerning a fourteenth-century Italian Gothic altar .
21 On the night of the 17th and into the next day , the Germans mounted a massive bombardment ; shells are said to have fallen at the rate of 400 a minute .
22 At Westland , Som. , for example , tesserae are said to have fallen into three distinctive sizes : 1 cm. sq. ; 2.5 cm. sq. ; and 3.5 cm. sq .
23 Amdahl , Fujitsu , Hyundai , ICL , LSI , Matsushita , Philips , Ross Technology , Sun Microsystems Labs and Texas Instruments are said to have collaborated on it since March of last year as a team reportedly independent of their affiliations .
24 The central section , ‘ New States of Consciousness and Social Change ’ then deals with a range of beliefs and attitudes which are said to have followed in the wake of these developments , and in particular with what Le Roy Ladurie calls ‘ a deep and sometimes lasting permutation in peasant mentality ’ .
25 They inhabit a world emerging from a period when human beings are said to have lived for hundreds of years .
26 They are said to have disagreed about the calendar cycles whereby the dating of Easter was fixed each year .
27 They are said to have disagreed about the shape of the clerical tonsure , Rome insisting on a variation of the tonsure familiar today while prelates of the Celtic Church shaved the entire frontal section of the head , from the temples to the middle of the scalp , and left long hair hanging behind — the stereotyped modern image of the Druid .
28 Finally , they are said to have disagreed about technicalities in the baptismal service .
29 They are said to have disagreed on the ceremony of ordination for a bishop , Rome requiring at least three other bishops to be present while the Celtic Church required only one — a plausible enough position , given the difficulties Ireland posed to travel at the time and the small number of bishops in the country anyway .
30 Instead of adopting the cyclical idea of time , the Jews are said to have believed in a linear concept , based in their case on a teleological idea of history as the gradual revelation of God 's purpose .
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