Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [to-vb] a [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The apexes are connected to form a second grid .
2 When he returned , after a slightly longer period than on the two previous occasions , Elisa had been persuaded to have a second cup of coffee .
3 Between channels one and two we find an auxiliary socket , which can be used to input a second instrument .
4 Bottom left : The continuous linking of parallels can be used to suggest a third dimension .
5 A second or third interview may solve this difficulty and a more senior person can sometimes be asked to give a second opinion .
6 In the area of technology , feedback has suggested that both general SVQs should be extended to include a fifth option , in building services .
7 ‘ Those who are to be returned to unit as unsuitable can come overland together with those who will be required to form a second squadron to operate in a later phase . ’
8 Applicants for bursaries will be required to possess a first degree or equivalent qualification .
9 The old maestro having been asked to give a last exhibition of his art , no one wished it to go wrong .
10 As a result of the Belgian links , the college has been asked to become a third partner in a TEMPUS project .
11 Yet still it appears impossible to discover the ownership of shares held through a minor Swiss bank which were used to help a second division British company build up stakes in several third division British companies .
12 West Ham supporters are being urged to stage a second half walk-out during the match against Southampton on Tuesday night in the continuing protest at the club 's bonds debenture scheme .
13 It is intended to fund a second phase of the programme in late 1986 .
14 1811 " It being known to this Meeting that two Parochial Schoolhouses are upon the way of being finished at Kilchoman and Kilmeny , and that it is proposed to build a third schoolhouse at Kildalton … stent themselves in the sum of £70 . "
15 Once this has been done , it is hoped to set a second study in motion to consider the possibility of using expert systems to guide the personnel who do the actual licensing through the maze of rules and regulations that they have to consider .
16 It is planned to run a second certificate level course during weeks commencing 29 March and 26 April .
17 Having kept an unusually low profile throughout the Dewan election campaign , it was now felt that the military might press hard for the election of their choice of Vice-President , while Gen. ( retd ) Suharto , 71 , was expected to seek a fifth consecutive term of office as President .
18 ‘ We had planned to run a single GM-backed Astra this year for Luis Climent but when Bardolet became available it was decided to provide a second car for him supported by an outside sponsor , ’ explains Meeke .
19 A tender list of six firms was prepared in accordance with Standing Orders , but on the day they were due to be sent out , Mr Holdsworth was instructed to add a seventh .
20 Both foreign secretaries described the meeting as " useful " , and it was agreed to hold a second round of talks in New Delhi on Aug. 9-10 .
21 After a protracted procedural wrangle it was agreed to hold a second ballot on June 25 , but shortly before the vote Jones withdrew from the contest and Loosley was declared president .
22 After Rhydoldog , Jane was invited to undertake a second phase of decoration at Remaisnil and , as one of her first gestures , removed a series of framed modern posters which Bernard had positioned up the main stairway ; the focus of the hallway henceforth was a magnificent eighteenth-century Brussels tapestry .
23 ‘ I have no illusions about Florian , ’ she confirmed drily , and was driven to hesitate a second time .
24 To rub it in he then scored from a free-kick ( which he was allowed to take a second time ! ) .
25 After a Democratic Conference summoned to resolve the membership of the new government had failed , Kerensky was allowed to form a Third Coalition which took office on 27 September .
26 The plaintiff was allowed to sue a second defendant , whose possible liability was revealed in the report more than three years after the accident .
27 Miss Rantzen was ordered to pay a third of the newspaper 's appeal costs — which have yet to be calculated .
28 A working group , with representatives of all the republics concerned , was established to prepare a first draft .
29 In 787 the ecclesiastical province of Canterbury was divided to create a second metropolitan see at Lichfield in the heart of Offa 's kingdom .
30 A turnout of at least 40 per cent was required to make a first round vote valid , but on Sept. 30 this threshold was not met in the majority of constituencies ( turnout nationwide was only 36 per cent ) , necessitating a second ballot for more than 80 per cent of council seats .
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