Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The problem of lack of time has been eased to some degree by the setting up of communal kitchens like those in Lima , Peru .
2 Though since to find an alternative word was n't going to alter matters at all by the look of it , Fabia began to wonder if perhaps Vendelin Gajdusek was coming back from Prague today to keep his appointment but had been delayed for some reason or another .
3 Since the rate of repayment is reviewed only once annually , quite often the effect of mortgage rate rises has been delayed for some months , allowing the borrower to prepare for the increased cost .
4 Whenever all the reps are completed with some strength still in reserve , then the weight should be increased , never the reps .
5 The need for regulatory change had been mooted for some time .
6 Laws to prohibit discrimination on the ground of disability and to advance equal opportunities for disabled Britons have been mooted for some time .
7 An attempt to remove Kevin Maxwell has been mooted for some time .
8 That system had been intended for some time .
9 In the case of hierarchies only general formal characteristics are discussed : specific types of hierarchy are treated in some detail in chapter 6 ( taxonomic hierarchies ) , chapter 7 ( part-whole hierarchies ) and chapter 8 ( non-branching hierarchies ) .
10 Movie memorabilia is nothing new but cries of blaX-ploitation have been heard in some quarters .
11 The release of these chemicals following drainage has been recognized for some time , but researchers at the Australian national research organization ( CSIRO ) now offer an explanation of the cause and also point to the great risks involved in large-scale land reclamation projects .
12 The structure and organization of public services do not , at present , foster service developments which match the King 's Fund recommendations , and the need for an overhaul in the way services are organized has been recognized for some years .
13 Another suggestion was that an entire class of LMS express locomotives had been withdrawn for some reason .
14 CPRW has evidence that the sale of holiday units as permanent residences is already beginning to happen where the temporary occupancy clause , which is customarily enforced on caravan and chalet sites , has been withdrawn for some reason .
15 ‘ With the Tottenham Three being acquitted , people feel the problem has been ameliorated to some extent , ’ said a campaigner .
16 This is an important consideration when attempting to interpret palaeoecology from the composition of fossil faunas that are derived from predator activity , and it has been treated in some detail in the appendix , where comparative data for a number of the predator species has been summarized .
17 Now , one member of the joint traffic management sub-committee who has been closely associated with all of these three issues is county councillor Tony and I must say , Mr Mayor that I am surprised to say the least by the way in which councillor appears appears to have been treated by some members of the labour party in this city .
18 He was learning something of the dead man 's background , admittedly from a biased witness , but any policeman knows that all witnesses are biased in some degree .
19 In recent years several British ensembles have begun to draw upon an ‘ exotic ’ instrumentarium of this kind once again , but they have been marginalized to some degree .
20 The expenditure of public money on this , yet another television service , has been criticized in some quarters , but the Governor told me his decision was based on the fact , as he saw it , of NTV 's pro-Federal bias .
21 The scheme has been criticized by some animal welfare activists .
22 Airbus Industrie rejected any suggestion that the aircraft itself was to blame , but its sophisticated " fly by wire " computer system had been criticized by some experts as over-complicated , and Indian Airlines staff complained that pilots and maintenance crew had received insufficient training on the Airbus .
23 Hostile responses ( of the ‘ Master ’ Hobbes and of less original authors ) are examined at some length .
24 This issue raises a whole series of complex methodological questions that are examined in some detail in P.A. Consultants ' 1987 review .
25 In this chapter , the scope and general principles of laws relating to obscenity , indecency , blasphemy , conspiracy and incitement to racial hatred are examined in some detail .
26 Yes Moderator the Board 's erm published accounts are prefaced by some comments on the accounting conventions that are used .
27 They looked as if they had been arranged by some cleaner who had been sent in to tidy up and who did not know that in this room Ernest Jarvis had hanged himself .
28 It does piss you off admittedly when scum are on so much , and I 've a sneaking feeling that Leeds have still not been forgiven in some parts of the press for being close enough to sneak the title when scum fucked up ( due to Fuckerson 's crap team selection ) .
29 In an attempt to address this situation , alternative approaches to worker certification and improved opportunities for advancement have been developed in some countries .
30 More recently fast-breeder reactors fuelled with a mixture of plutonium and uranium have been developed by some countries .
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