Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [conj] well [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There 're a number of items er , Chair , erm , the brochure has been produced and well received .
2 The public interest would not perhaps be regarded as well served if a fully qualified solicitor was effectively deprived of the opportunity of practising his profession : this may be behind the Scottish decision of Dallas McMillan & Sinclair v Simpson ( 1988 ) SLT 454 where the covenant purported to prevent the outgoing partner from practising as a solicitor within 20 miles of the centre of Glasgow , an area in which roughly half of Scotland 's law firms were said to be located .
3 You may be expected as well to have already worked for some time in a related financial area , such as stock broking .
4 Through current vital statistics or special studies conducted in statistically more developed countries it has long been observed and well demonstrated that childbearing patterns , such as maternal age , parity and the interval between consecutive births have a characteristic effect upon the probability that a child will survive infancy and early childhood .
5 By an unemployment reserve , I do not just mean a register but a reserve of people who are being trained and well paid and who feel part of the economy and of our industrial community .
6 ‘ They are loved and well looked after . ’
7 This product split is regarded as well balanced , mirroring the demand for replacement windows in the market .
8 One year on the workforce stands at 300 , a lean organisation with a name that is respected and well known in the trade .
9 If the point is seen and well argued , the fact that the examiner does not agree with your conclusion will not seriously affect your marks .
10 Whether or not the time transposition works is a matter of individual decision — what is not in doubt is that the true nature of the work is preserved and well put over .
11 Well yes technically speaking I suppose it is burnt but well done I
12 But despite the criticisms , the prison is described as well run and the report praised staff relations with the inmates .
13 It was made and well taken by Martin Ling .
14 In two cases the tumour was classified as well differentiated , in 52 as moderately differentiated , and in 58 cases as poorly differentiated .
15 Traditionally water was stored and/or well aerated to remove the chlorine .
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