Example sentences of "be [adj -er] than it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The machinery of employer reaction may have been rustier than it seemed to be .
2 It is likely that under those agreements extradition within Europe would in future be easier than it has been in the past , which I think the hon. Gentleman would welcome .
3 Unlike the rock pitch on the Wellenkuppe , the gendarme turned out to be steeper than it looked .
4 For this reason the speed of the speech may be slower than it looks , the cigarette smoking being used to punctuate it .
5 This temperature increase may appear to be small , but in reality the earth would then be warmer than it has been for the past 125,000 years ( the peak of the last interglacial ) and possibly even warmer than it has been for the past two million years ( the duration of the Quaternary period of fluctuation glacials and interglacials ) .
6 Reviews from the West Yorkshire Playhouse where the show was first seen last year suggest that it might be funnier than it sounds .
7 This understanding from the ‘ Great Satan ’ will do the king little good at home , but his position may be stronger than it looks .
8 But at least that cloud means it 'll be milder than it 's been recently , with overnight temperatures up above freezing , about three degrees celsius , that 's thirty seven fahrenheit .
9 Fortunately , it 's simpler than it looks .
10 Admittedly , this last complaint , made at the very start of the chapter , is harsher than it sounds .
11 Again , this is easier than it seems and far easier to do than to put into words .
12 Putting on the roof was the most satisfying job : it is precision work which is easier than it looks — particularly with the plastic ridge fixings and verges .
13 Fortunately it 's easier than it looks , but still full Very Severe .
14 In some puppies , the hole which allowed blood to flow through the umbilical cord is bigger than it needs to be ; once the cord shrivels up , the hole is left open and if it is too big , a small piece of fat may be able to pop through .
15 It 's too thin , it 's too sharp , it 's better than it looks on the telly , it reminds them of the wife , it gets right up their nose , etc. etc .
16 The skin around his neck is loose and his waist is thicker than it has ever been .
17 Typing it out shows quickly that the work is better than it appears : indeed , once the courtroom scene is reached , the writer 's touch becomes sure , and his competence in handling reported speech is impressive .
18 What I do see wrong is that it 's smaller than it needs to be . ’
19 Since there are more carp and more carp fisheries around today , and so many anglers fishing for carp , it is inevitable that the number caught is higher than it has ever been .
20 Welsh Wales , in Wales and in the Lake District they found that the er level of nuclear activity on the surface of , of the field as it were and therefore reached the animals is higher than it has been , how would they manage to do that ?
21 First , safety expenditure under the Government and British Rail is higher than it has ever been in British Rail 's history — it has gone up from £140 million to £200 million .
22 It 's harder than it looks and you get very wet .
23 The essence of the problem is to define a ley , which is harder than it appears .
24 I support the Bill because it seeks to address a serious problem , but I believe that that problem is greater than it appears to be .
25 The law is tighter than it has ever been , and it has the backing of both sides of the House .
26 It turned out they had downclimbed , as it was easier than it seemed from above , but we did n't know that until later .
27 Thinking that it was heavier than it looked , he undid the straps and buckles and threw back the flap .
28 It was heavier than it looked .
29 The sky was clearer than it had been for a week , and massive , but hardly elegant , Storskarfjell stood out like a white tent .
30 Why she was here , she could n't imagine ; but her head was clearer than it had been in a long time , which meant that she must have gone for some hours without any kind of an injection .
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