Example sentences of "be [coord] [modal v] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Few librarians would agree that censorship has anything to do with book selection , and indeed as we shall see they are or should be diametrically opposite operations with entirely different functions .
2 The net tangible assets of the Business are at the date of this Agreement and will pending Completion be no less than at the Balance Sheet Date and the profits of the Business from the Balance Sheet Date to the date of this Agreement and pending Completion are and will be proportionately no less than the profits for the previous financial year .
3 So to get back to what we say er yeah I like to fix a date and if people phone up and say well look I 've I 've got something else or I 've changed my mind I would rather have that than to have lots of paper work on my desk that just says may be or may be not .
4 The magic word that justifies those doubts is ‘ phase ’ or ‘ period ’ , as if a stage has been reached where God is no longer necessary : But the key motif in them all is ingratitude , a moral , spiritual and emotional insensitivity to the reality of what we once were and would be now apart from God .
5 Go easy on him ; one way or another he is or will be very distressed . ’
6 What is or can be as superlatively silly or ruinous to the nerves as that silly girl , snivelling and laughing by turns over a ‘ love story ’ ?
7 The figure of Mercy points to the nature of the redemptive process : Later still , Julian of Norwich , whose mystical experience arose out of meditation on the Passion , defined her sense of a dynamic power of divine love working to process the effects of sin as the work of Christ : " and there is in him bleding and praying for us to the Father — and is and shall be as long as it nedith " .
8 I would certainly join my honourable friend in condemning the advice which has been reported in the paper today er the government 's efforts to improve the campaign against truancy and the to succeed in getting errant pupils back to school which is where they should be , I believe is and should be widely supported .
9 Liz Trickett and Frankie Sulke report on the effects of the LAMP ( Low Attainers in Mathematics ) and RAMP ( Raising Achievement in Mathematics ) projects on both the teachers and pupils who participated , providing a challenge to all teachers to examine their views about both what their pupils are capable of and what mathematics is and should be about .
10 If one affirms that there is and can be only one ultimate and self-sufficient principle , the transcendent Father , and also that the divine Triad is three distinct realities ( as Origen had taught ) , it is not easy then to affirm that the Son and the Father are in being identical or ‘ of one substance ’ — not at least without fairly complicated explanations .
11 The conclusion reached there is that environmental degradation is and will be frequently beyond the power of the state , and will only become a possibility as an incidental result of other fundamental social changes .
12 This was done to be sure that the constipation was and would be adequately treated .
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