Example sentences of "be [adv] part [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Are only part of her answer .
2 The compulsory clauses of the memorandum are only part of it .
3 Over in Water Ross the deer are just part of what is seen as the larger problem of who is in charge , and who makes decisions about wild places .
4 You see , in truth , they are hardly part of my life now .
5 Two children are also part of her busy schedule , which she aptly describes as ‘ a mosiac ’ .
6 The counselling of licentiate members and assessment of in-company and management development courses and the assessment of exemption applicants are also part of their joint responsibilities .
7 The nightmare of childhood lived daily by orphan children in Romania is another example of a state of dreadful innocence abused by adults which is too painful to comprehend and yet which has become part of the domain of childhood as understood in Britain , just as images of the abuse of children by adults are also part of our daily reference to the violent world of childhood .
8 If you are booking a late offer holiday any information or conditions set out in the hate offer documents are also part of your contract and if in doubt you should check with your Travel Agent .
9 If you are booking a late-offer holiday any information and conditions issued in conjunction with that offer are also part of your contract .
10 These are also part of my inner core .
11 I shall always be grateful to the teachers who required us to memorise both poetry and Bible passages which are now part of me .
12 At that particular time , er , quite right , faced with the failing national economy , and it 's got worse than it was then , and an increase in poverty in , this controlling group produced its plan for 1990 ninety one and in it 's redirection packages which are now part of our agenda on Council we d we made to pledges , one was to change the nature of Council and the other was to redirect sources on the process of need and we put four point three million on redirection in the first year , four point seven the second year .
13 Physical disruption , fear , the adrenalin events — they were only part of it .
14 The steely granite-grey eyes beneath their deeply hooded lids were only part of his dark attraction .
15 ‘ To them we were just part of their extended families . ’
16 It took no more than a year before exhibitions of the works that he had brought out of Russia ( these being just part of what he had owned before leaving his best works to the Russian people ) began their triumphant tour of the prestigious galleries of Europe , America and Canada .
17 Whilst national debate has shifted the focus of urban regeneration policy away from the narrowly defined goals of physical development , the extension of its boundaries has forced MDC to confront the issues of jobs , training and social housing provision , although MDC would argue that these objectives were always part of its long-term agenda .
18 Yet if Leonard 's fleet feet were still part of his youthfulness , there were signs of bodily frailty ; he bore the only real wounds of the contest , a cut to the lip sustained early on and a more serious one over the left eye in the 11th round .
19 In historic Hungary itself , the Magyars provided 41.2 per cent of the total , but they were much thinner on the ground in the Croatian provinces which were also part of their half of the Monarchy .
20 In such work there is an opportunity for English to , in a sense , escape from the academy , literally to go extra-mural , and to re-establish those connections with the larger society that were originally part of its raison d'être .
21 They were now part of her heritage , and she looked on them with freshly delighted eyes .
22 He did not know what this was , but most tyre fitters were now part of it .
23 Texts were inevitably part of their culture , as were the individuals who wrote them under the shaping constraints of state , family , religion .
24 ‘ We wo n't , and that 's only part of what I want to tell you .
25 But that 's only part of it . ’
26 because of the look of it , when in fact that 's only part of it it depends whether he 's gon na be motivated there , they mo it 's not gon na need much motivation but if people are interested in you for what you are like , like they have been , yeah , and he 's experienced all , he 's been somebody special there has n't he ?
27 Linkage may get Mr Hussein out of Kuwait , but recovering Kuwait , though welcome in itself , is only part of what the world needs to achieve in the Gulf .
28 ( ii ) The sequence in which pieces of information are released is only part of what is odd about this way of putting things .
29 Our concern is primarily with the government 's fiscal activities , and as emphasized in Lecture 1 — this is only part of its impact on the economic system .
30 The cost of film-making is only part of it .
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