Example sentences of "be [adv] a [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 This would avoid civil actions , which are often defeated because individual victims , even when they decide to act co-operatively , are rarely a match for corporations who decide it is better to be prudent than just .
2 Complaints against police are obviously a problem for all of us , and we as managers throughout the rank structure are concerned about the complaints and it 's simply that , whilst I was in operational command , I had a direct influence in hopefully preventing complaints .
3 So long as they do not transgress their statutory powers , their decisions are entirely a matter for them , and — in the case of local authorities — for the majority of the elected representatives ; subject , however , to one important proviso .
4 Membership of the ILP had been largely a formality for the remaining four-fifths of the original group , though some active ILP members like Dr Alfred Salter and Emanuel Shinwell were among those severing their connections with the party .
5 Compound mitres are generally a nightmare for the d-i-yer , involving a lot of checking and re-checking of angles , often with an unsatisfactory result .
6 The teens and twenties are always a time for questioning , evaluating , making up your own mind , finding your own sense of person .
7 ‘ The talks between a French envoy and a Scottish monarch are hardly a matter for an envoy of King Edward of England ! ’
8 The relationships between the Variscides of Europe and the Appalachians of North America — and indeed between parts of the Appalachian province itself — are still a subject for controversy at a detailed level ( see Dewey 1982 ; Rast 1984 ; also several papers in Hutton and Sanderson 1984 ) , but it seems that useful , if cautious , parallels can be drawn between the partly concealed Variscides of Europe ( including southern England ) and the well exposed and much studied southern Appalachians ( Fig. 1 ) .
9 The attention we pay today to every minute detail of a vintage guitar is rarely matched by the records kept at the time ; as with many other guitars , the origins of the Les Paul Custom are still a subject for debate .
10 ‘ Films about the Brits are still a problem for most audiences in the US , ’ Romain Hart , head of British film distributor 's Mainline , recently commented .
11 However , but I think the Premier League 's best are still a match for the rest .
12 The discharge of the basic obligations under the contract , relating to delivery , passing of risk and property , and payment , are partly a matter for negotiation between the parties ( although the SGA provides guidelines ) but must also be looked at in relation to s 3 of the UCTA , with its restrictions on clauses excluding liability for breach .
13 These tears are both a veil for the eyes and a screen for the transcendent mind , which isolates man from his environment and shows him a land of ecstasy and delight .
14 Tantrums are also a way for children to test out boundaries : at the age of two or three , they are finding out just how far they can go with their parents , and how much control they can gain .
15 These courses are also a preparation for work at the hardware/software interface and provide the potential for work in hardware design .
16 They are also a medium for promoting change and development in schools , and as such they need " managing " .
17 Cuttings and embankments are often a haven for wildlife .
18 They are often a cry for help .
19 Classifications are often a basis for finding correlations .
20 The small firm needling the big multinational may be only a nuisance for the time being , but if it latches on to a new and successful technology and makes all the right first-mover investments it may be tomorrow 's market leader .
21 Only one day , but nevertheless it 's something that they will always remember and hopefully it will be just a spur for them to go on and do better things .
22 It may be just a surface for bacteria or may play a more active part in filtration .
23 ‘ I 've always admired the way Steve handles his playing on a lot of the old Stax ballads — the way he does those really simple , pretty fills , and the way he uses the tremolo on the amplifier — I 'm just a sucker for all that kind of stuff .
24 They will be both a force for stability and a force for change in the next Parliament whatever role we play . ’
25 Right can I just ask a wee quick question which is highly personal liability for eight thousand pounds of tax and I 'm also a guarantor for my son 's mortgage
26 More immediately , I 'm also a target for every bandit and assassin out on the Netlines .
27 We hope that primary prevention of attempted suicide will not continue to be solely a focus for conjecture .
28 And that would be then a matter for the county to determine how they would proceed from that point .
29 The five soldiers prove , as always , to be quite a spectacle for passing motorists .
30 The primate centre received requests for 300 macaques and 14 chimpanzees , many of which could not be supplied because of a policy that it should be primarily a supplier for TNO institutes .
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