Example sentences of "be [adv] see [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Attitudes are generally seen to be more stable , opinions more variable , but this is an entirely imposed language rather than a reflection of some inherent stability .
2 Example In an essay on an eighteenth-century play , which has argued that the women in the play are generally seen to be a source of disruption or confusion , you could conclude by asking whether women are general sources of disruption , broadly understood , in eighteenth-century drama .
3 The different approaches are thus seen to be distinct , but perhaps not in conflict ; each approach is seen as an area of specialism , rather than as an area of commitment .
4 The engineering files are thus seen to be data stores containing both man-readable and machine-readable instructions for the manufacture of the specified articles .
5 So we would examine socially determined personality differences between the sexes , why it is that men are always seen to be the intellectuals , things like that , They were important discussions as women often feel that community action is a mystery to them and that the only thing they can really understand is looking after the kids , I think the courses were a success because many campesina women became important leaders afterwards .
6 Beliefs are usually seen to be different again ( at least by researchers ) ; they are propositions about work and society .
7 We must ensure that the security forces are the real defenders of human rights and freedom from fear and violence , and that they are clearly seen to be so .
8 When other changes are taken into account couples with children are also seen to be considerably worse off .
9 For this reason they are often seen to be weak ; yet it is this very willingness of the subordinates to shift their own goals in order to preserve the harmony of the team that makes it possible for the group at the top of the hierarchy to perform at all .
10 In the light of this passage we can interpret one of Wordsworth 's gnomic sayings — ‘ The Child is Father of the Man ’ — and can understand what the attractive childhood episodes are doing in Books i and ii ; they are now seen to be similar ‘ spots of time … enshrined … for future restoration ’ .
11 Although the details of their theory are now seen to be clearly wrong , their insight , that different parts of the brain are responsible for different processes , has stood the test of time and research and informs much of our current understanding of the brain .
12 The figures are Dataquest estimates of what a buyer actually pays after standard retail discounts , as opposed to list prices.Prices are now seen to be about 10% higher in Europe than in the US , against 25% a year ago .
13 In this case the developer would probably say to the local authority , I want this site and it 's all or nothing , which then puts the local authority in a dilemma and in the sense its allocated sites are now seen to be some form second status .
14 I agree with the Lord of Aberdale that it is vital for the elected representatives on the police authority to be clearly seen to be in the driving seat of the committee .
15 Base rate can be often seen to be outside this guideline , due mainly to expectations in future movements in interest rates ( see later in chapter ) .
16 Such areas are frequently seen to be characterized by spalling rock outcrops and shattered boulders .
17 Turkey and Iran were widely seen to be vying for influence in the area .
18 Early approaches which saw the state as the' instrument' or tool of the dominant class , faithfully tending to its needs , were soon seen to be inadequate .
19 Christopher Gill ( Member for Ludlow and a Midlands businessman ) , as has been mentioned in Chapter 6 , has concerned himself for a long time with what were once seen to be obscure constitutional issues of subsidiarity .
20 Understandably , I was quite staggered and overjoyed to find , in the West Riding , very many primary schools where the creative energies of children were demonstrably seen to be central to their experience and learning .
21 For example , the RVH creche costs £35 per week per child and is generally seen to be ‘ only for children of professionals ’ .
22 The exaltation of pure science is thus seen to be a defence against the invasion of norms which limit directions of potential advance and threaten the stability and continuance of scientific research as a valued activity .
23 The last situation is the system of alternating tripods of support , which is thus seen to be only one of a larger number of possible gaits .
24 This is thus seen to be a continuous monitoring activity as changes late in the development programme , within say the concepts stage , could severely affect the confidence in all downstream activities including the actual articles being produced .
25 Each model is thus seen to be independently inserted into the reference space and then attached to each other .
26 This instrument is thus seen to be a splendid complement to the other members of the woodwind fraternity .
27 For the relation given in Equation ( 2.11 ) the acceleration a in material coordinates is easily seen to be .
28 Despite some changing patterns in this respect , woman 's role is still seen to be primarily in the home .
29 Sexual discrimination is also seen to be an important factor in turning female graduates away from engineering .
30 Sexual discrimination is also seen to be an important factor in turning female graduates away from engineering .
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