Example sentences of "be [adv] [not/n't] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 The ambiguously worded agreement effectively permitted the involuntary repatriation of Vietnamese " boat people " who had been screened out as " economic migrants " , by providing for the repatriation of those who " while not volunteering to return , are nevertheless not opposed to going back " and according to some officials thereby created a fresh category of " acquiescent non-volunteers " .
2 In September 1990 Vietnam appeared to accept in principle the concept of " involuntary repatriation " , when it agreed to take back " economic migrants " who , " while not volunteering to return , are nevertheless not opposed to going back " .
3 Go on , have a go alright , right I understand exactly what you 're saying Pauline , right the only thing is the wife and I have thought about it and we 're just not prepared to , you know what I mean , we 're gon na have to take a couple of days , because we wan na think it over
4 ‘ Some of them have caused controversy amongst my colleagues , because they 're just not accustomed to hearing something new .
5 Second messenger gated channels are very widely distributed , they 're certainly not limited to excitable tissues .
6 Furthermore , areas such as wards or enumeration districts used for the collection and analysis of census data are usually not related to administrative areas used by service providers .
7 Women are economic agents , although they are usually not perceived to be .
8 As a consequence , students are still not entitled to rebates , and the 20 per cent .
9 Students are clearly not expected to be able to question the linguistic judgments of commentators from a position of substantial technical expertise .
10 They are also not confined to the black community : Hewitt ( 1986 : 190 – 2 ) discusses at length the speech of a white boy which shows numerous Creole grammatical influences while remaining basically LE .
11 Hayek points to the fact that many social institutions which are essential to the successful pursuit of our aims are the result of customs , habits , and practices which are not the product of design or invention and which , although they govern thought and action , are often not brought to consciousness .
12 I 'm obviously not meant to be rich … he says , pouring himself another beer in Spain ! ’
13 I 'm just not prepared to be contemptuated against or be the object of insinuations , that 's all . "
14 I 'm just not used to lucky breaks .
15 I 'm just not used to this .
16 The top-security ‘ dispersal prisons ’ are frequently not filled to capacity , while overcrowding is concentrated in local prisons ( which predominantly house remand prisoners and those on short-term sentences ) .
17 The Bishops were mostly not opposed to liberty of conscience for Dissenters , the wiser of whom opposed the Declaration , but considered that only Parliament could revoke the Test Acts , so that the Declaration was illegal .
18 At a time when my country had a woman in the highest office of state , women were still not admitted to the lowest order in the church , that of deacon .
19 The Russians undertook to protect their new vassals , but were often not disposed to or were too poorly endowed with manpower to help when asked to do so .
20 Worse still , the new skiers — beginners — who should have been making up for those who stop because old age or the arrival of infants stops ski holidays — were simply not attracted to a sport when everyone was complaining about bad conditions .
21 What Jeffery ( and Matza , who quotes Jeffery in support of his own position ) are pointing to here is that whatever positivists chose as the causes of crime , even when they were ‘ external ’ such as ‘ social and group ’ factors , they always excluded the nature and operation of the criminal law from consideration ; such things were simply not taken to be implicated in the process of causing criminal behaviour .
22 They were certainly not affixed to the merchandise as labels in the same way that some furniture makers and picture framers did , as a recent examination of some one thousand coffins in the vaults at Christchurch , Spitalfields , has proved .
23 Finally , the judge held that the defendants , although not guilty of bad faith , had acted in breach of their fiduciary duties and were therefore not entitled to be paid their commission .
24 Yet , in spite of the leading position in its political life of the Orange family , it was also clearly not a monarchy in the normal sense of that term : its representatives were therefore not entitled to be treated as those of a crowned head .
25 The motion of the second ( coupler ) link is thus not seen to be represented by either of the two previous attachment procedures .
26 It is thus not linked to any specific existing tax within the EC .
27 Service employment is thus not restricted to the service industries .
28 Or it may be that the formal resource is just not perceived to be of all that much importance .
29 ‘ Do n't cry , ’ said Den , ‘ It 's just not meant to be . ’
30 In the event that the problem is still not resolved to your satisfaction , refer your problem is still not resolved to your satisfaction , refer your complaint to : Customer Relations Department , Midland Bank plc , Head Office , Poultry , London EC2P 2BX .
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