Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] that some " in BNC.

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1 It has also been inconveniently revealed that some Muslim fighters have being doing to Croats what the Croats stand accused of doing to Muslims .
2 Class antagonism has undoubtedly relegated national questions far into the background , but , without the risk of lapsing into doctrinairism , it can not be categorically asserted that some particular national question can not temporarily appear in the foreground of the political drama .
3 And it has been well established that some animals , such as pigs , are capable of completely consuming animal bones , along with other kitchen waste , so that even the sample of animal bones from a site may not give a true picture of diet .
4 To quote one of them ( D. M. Anderson ) , ‘ It is widely accepted that some , perhaps many , of the abiotic chemical reactions and processes leading to the origin on Earth of replicating micro-organisms occurred very early in the history of Earth in close proximity to the surfaces of clay minerals and other inorganic substrates . ’
5 IBM now has 13 autonomous business units , with nine focused on specific product lines , and it is widely suggested that some of these need heavyweight industry veterans to run them effectively .
6 The working paper dealing with this topic argues that ‘ it is generally recognised that some prescribing is wasteful or unnecessary expensive .
7 The effect of the Sicilian experience on Yeats is disputed by Yeats scholars , but it is generally agreed that some effect there was .
8 It is usually postulated that some association between infant or childish sexual satisfaction and the fetish object — a strong but not necessarily direct association — is responsible for its significance to the individual .
9 It is also envisaged that some other steel exporting countries would ultimately accept the rules , creating an ‘ International Consensus ’ on public aids to steel producers , which could be formalised under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) .
10 It is also thought that some women enjoy fantasies of rape .
11 And that 's true , but it 's often forgotten that some of us on this side of the fence also play professionally — they say teachers are failed musicians and I suppose many people see music journalists as those not good enough even to teach !
12 The Clean Air Act of 1970 set out to create a healthy atmosphere for the population within less than a decade , but even by the 1990s this has not been achieved and it is now expected that some urban areas will not achieve healthy air until well into the next century .
13 However , it is now known that some corals can survive settling sediment and that even reefs may develop in muddy surroundings .
14 Indeed , it is often claimed that some family firms preferred to avoid being profit-maximisers and take a safe return from past investments .
15 They could obtain compass information from the sun and stars , and it is indeed known that some seasonal migrators follow stellar patterns ; stellar orientation has been particularly well studied in the indigo bunting , a bird that inhabits North America .
16 When Paul Devereux took over The Ley Hunter in 1976 , it was widely assumed that some form of energy existed at ancient sites , but there had been virtually no research to back these ideas up .
17 Wingti 's position was improved by the defection to his government of a further six MPs , but it was widely assumed that some of those not rewarded with Cabinet office were unlikely to remain permanently within the government coalition .
18 It was further alleged that some complainants were shadowed , intimidated and , even , assaulted while going about their daily affairs ( Out of Court , BBC 2 , 4 March 1987 ) .
19 It was confidently predicted that some firms , particularly the smaller ones , would also go out of business as a consequence of the 1985 round of price cutting .
20 It was later discovered that some Scottish Folds developed thickening of the limbs and tail , and that this was a serious handicap to them .
21 It was also estimated that some 275,000 of the hurricane 's victims remained without electricity and that 150,000 were homeless .
22 It was also claimed that some people in the media held shares in the mining companies and thus coverage of the exploration could be uncritical .
23 It was also suggested that some sort of ‘ Irish dimension ’ ( to borrow the term of the 1980s ) be institutionalized by the creation of a Council of Ireland made up of representatives of the Westminster and Dublin parliaments and members from the to-be-created Stormont ‘ Assembly ’ .
24 She was also told that some of the creatures and vegetation on the planet were not real , but the product of a Nicaean corporation .
25 In c.1308 it was even suggested that some Gascons , especially from the Agenais , might have rebelled openly against their duke had it not been for the existence of French sovereign jurisdiction as a kind of safety valve .
26 It was commonly believed that some evil spirits lost their strength in daylight .
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