Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv] [verb] or " in BNC.

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1 The most toxic residues from industrial society are rarely successfully neutralised or excreted by living organisms , and they tend to be increasingly concentrated in animal tissues as they are passed up the food chain .
2 Not all schools of nursing are so well equipped or staffed as to afford a media officer , and responsibility for the care and maintenance of equipment is delegated to teaching staff .
3 I suspect that the reason why the right has been so little asserted or used is because of the established right of individuals , who are personally libelled by a false attack upon a local authority , to sue for damages and because those in control of local authorities have sensibly left the issues to be resolved in those proceedings .
4 The segregation of people and vehicles , what is more , has led to new and unforeseen problems , such as the fear that cars are more easily stolen or vandalised when they are out of sight or that segregated pedestrian areas make identification of strangers more difficult and facilitate unobserved escape from the scene of criminal activity .
5 Some curricula are more tightly structured or sequenced than others .
6 If Option 0 is chosen then all following options are automatically either chosen or offered .
7 Proto-oncogenes activated in tumours derived from a particular haemopoietic lineage are often functionally altered or ectopically expressed .
8 Those blessed with a prophetic vision of soccer 's future , like Mike Channon and myself , are often completely ignored or misunderstood , whereas charlatans who would not know one end of a football from another , the Reg Pybuses and Howard Wilkinsons of this world , suck up to mediocrity and call it talent .
9 Clerical gravamina had been as easily evaded or thwarted under Pecham and Winchelsey as they were under Reynolds .
10 But pouring fertilizers on to the fields does not help the situation , for the processes of nature are too complex to be so simply overridden or adjusted .
11 I am not trying to suggest that there is some conspiracy at work to centralise the importance of Shakespeare when it should be more widely shared or go to some other figure .
12 It may be that those aspects of a curriculum , such as skills which are readily expressible in behavioural terms could usefully be laid down in some detail while other aspects , such as problem solving would be more loosely specified or , perhaps , not specified at all .
13 This removable door rack , which can be fitted in two positions , allows food to be more easily checked or turned .
14 Hence common words will be more rapidly identified or produced than uncommon words , and also a word which has been presented previously will be more rapidly identified than one which has not .
15 Such explanations could be reasonably well founded or might be hypothetical , in which case this should be made clear to the reader .
16 Yet it is known that between one third and one half of mentally handicapped people currently resident in mental handicap hospitals should not be in hospital and could be either immediately discharged or discharged after a short period of training .
17 These activities had to be either totally abandoned or curtailed .
18 The other distinctions are relative rather than absolute ; for example , the subject matter may be more or less abstract , the audience may be very well known or less well known .
19 At a level where either the commander concerned or the typist could not render ‘ Marxist ’ correctly in Russian , it seems doubtful whether rejoicing for the Paris Commune would be very well informed or sincere .
20 They tend , however , to keep a closer watch on discharges which are potentially highly polluting or large in volume .
21 Those not engaged in programming , systems or educational work were most frequently design or development engineers in their employer 's specific activity .
22 He found that open class lexical items were mostly involved in substitution errors , while closed class lexical items were most frequently lost or added .
23 Will you allow me , Mr. Speaker , briefly to offer my deepest sympathy , by way of a supplementary question , to the families of those who were so horrifically murdered or injured both yesterday and today in Belfast ?
24 In 1604 he made an apparently excellent marriage but within a year his wife revealed her reversion to Catholicism , whereupon their estates were soon either sold or sequestrated .
25 Important industrial and development projects were also either postponed or cancelled .
26 Royalists were often heavily fined or , like John Ashburnham , had their entire estates sequestered , but the concern of the gentry for its own solidarity modified much of the bitterness which might otherwise have damaged the county further .
27 Dolphins were often cruelly maimed or killed during such research , but , thankfully , today 's studies tend to focus on animals in the wild , and mostly aim to be as non-intrusive as possible .
28 The draughts that had drawn them when politely caged , were now either depleted or charged to fury .
29 One surprising aspect of these responses was the way they were almost always followed or overlaid by a sense of satisfaction , even pleasure , at having documentary evidence to support particular explanations of racism , and particular ideological standpoints related to them .
30 As we explained in our previous book , and as virtually all serious biblical scholars concur , the Gospels , in treating such issues as these , were either drastically rewritten or , more likely , distorted the events they describe — which would have taken place at least thirty years before they were composed .
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