Example sentences of "be [adv] [adj] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Probably the most interesting object is the open cluster NGC 2244 , round the star 12 Monocerotis ( 5.8 ) ; it is quite easy to locate with binoculars , and I am rather surprised that it is not included in the Messier list .
2 ‘ I am rather surprised that he made it public , but we will be taking it very seriously — have no doubt about that — and it will be raised at the Anglo-Irish Conference meeting in London . ’
3 ‘ I am most upset that you have been treated so badly by my countrymen , ’ Gennaro said in a quiet steady voice .
4 I am acutely conscious that I have been a source of aggravation to Pa recently over my stupid allergy to vegetables ; it can not be pleasant to see the products one has slaved over summer and winter being regurgitated on to the dinner plate of one 's elder child .
5 In the current climate Take That can do no wrong , but they are acutely aware that their success may not last forever .
6 We are acutely aware that it will not succeed without much prayer and a mutual pulling together .
7 Our fund-raising has been just a little slower during the current year after the bumper total achieved in 1985 , but nevertheless it has been most gratifying that we continue to receive contributions from so many classes over a very wide area .
8 She seems to have been wholly unaware that she was in fact queen of a kingdom with a justifiably high opinion of itself — so much so that it is actually supremely ironic that Mary , brought up in one of the greatest of European countries , should have found this one , smaller , but passionately European , so much less interesting and appealing than the kingdom of England , not only Scotland 's traditional enemy , but already beginning the descent into the isolation which it was to maintain for much of the seventeenth century .
9 And yet … the thought crept back just before she drifted off to sleep … it had been rather nice that he had actually noticed her in the past , and noticed her to such an extent that he was now in a position to compare the woman she 'd become to the girl she 'd once been .
10 But I am jolly sure that they would not let the government of the day , or their contemporary House of Commons , forget how important it is to supply water and to look after the sewers and drains .
11 They fail to appreciate that all elderly people are constantly aware that they are approaching the last great event in their lives : their own death .
12 Shannon had been halfway convinced that he was already sleeping with Marianne , but now she was n't so sure .
13 As a pair they really were an excellent entry and looking back , I am somewhat amazed that my aunt ever plucked up the courage to parade around the streets .
14 Assume further that the probe lengths are sufficiently small that they may be treated as points in comparison with the clones , and that the probes are all single-copy .
15 And at the end of that fifty thousand years , if that 's what it is , the populations are sufficiently different that I 'd think you 'd want to put them into a different species if — I mean how are you to know , but I mean it 's a reasonable judgement .
16 Nevertheless the data given in Table 7.2 are the most widely quoted , and illustrate that the area already affected is immense and that average rates of deforestation in these regions are sufficiently high that there is a real danger that forests will disappear altogether in the next 200 years , especially as reforestation is replacing only c. 10 per cent of the cleared forest ( Lanly 1982 ) .
17 I had four good , rewarding years with the company , and I am only sorry that we were unable to reach an agreement . ’
18 ‘ I am only sorry that my requests for the Public Accounts Committee to investigate royal travel costs as well as the cost of the royal palaces was not agreed to . ’
19 I apologise on behalf of Council to the members of the press who are here , and to the Council officers who have to endure this and I am only grateful that there are not members of the public here to witness this total farce .
20 John will get what certificates he wants if and when he wants to I expect : I am only glad that there are so many more opportunities for adults who want to study later in life .
21 ‘ I am only surprised that you know of it . ’
22 ‘ I am so sorry that I caused you such grief by acting as I did , by going off without telling anyone .
23 I am so pleased that we have solved the dilemma and we can feel morally superior !
24 After the hearing he said : ‘ I am so pleased that my character and reputation has been cleared .
25 I believe they represent the very best of the BBC 's tradition in journalism and I am so pleased that you have chosen to honour them .
26 When I am so self-centred that I would not dream of asking the Spirit for his strength , preferring to go my own way , I am encouraged to recall that ‘ God is at work in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure ’ ( Phil .
27 ‘ I am so busy that my brain is in a complete jumble .
28 ‘ James , ’ she said in a flat voice , ‘ I am so glad that you have come . ’
29 I am so glad that you came north over Easter , and I hope it wo n't be too long before we can get to know each other a little better .
30 As English Captain I am obviously delighted that I will have access one more time to the cream of the young talent who will turn pro in 1992 and in the future .
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