Example sentences of "be [adv] [prep] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 No matter how familiar with literary works you become , you can not focus equally on all parts of a text ( particularly a long text , such as a novel ) : so you need to decide which parts of it are most worth reading closely and writing about .
2 The receptionists are much at giving out these things than doctors .
3 So the pattern would have been perhaps towards marrying later , or certainly having children later and then perhaps moving out of London .
4 Poor Sam had been backwards at coming forwards , she told herself .
5 Aurally the Mondays improve all the time , they 're truly worth travelling all over the world to see …
6 They 're definitely worth catching again .
7 They are always worth watching out for in Hello ! , whether it 's Cindy , in wildly-inappropriate garb , among a cluster of nomadic bedouins in the Judean desert , or Naomi dodging the cameras with De Niro in Paris .
8 Whatever our past experiences , whether they be noted landmarks or modest signposts , they are always worth considering where conflict is concerned .
9 Here 's our stop press of wines we believe are specially worth looking out for .
10 Double-glazed models , such as the Serac Solar Greenhouse , are also worth considering especially if you are to use your greenhouse all year round .
11 now I , I have seen foxes and I mean they are they are now in built up areas are n't they ?
12 Rather , it is an unconscious , gentle process whereby people who want to be loving attempt to be so by telling little white lies , by withholding some of the truth about themselves and their feelings in order to avoid conflict .
13 Young Pokey won his only two races last season and will not be long in scoring again .
14 Suzie comes from Melbourne , so it would be just like going home for her .
15 I used to just like comfortable clothes but now I 'm more into dressing up . ’
16 I used to just like comfortable clothes but now I 'm more into dressing up , ’ she reveals .
17 ‘ The people one expects to be still around have often scattered , and things are changed .
18 A Mickey Dolenz lookalike beats out bongo rhythms frontstage to complement their dance grooves , while vocalist Stella dances around in her multicoloured cat suit , not yet the most comfortable of performers but there 's enough spirit in the band to suggest their debut waxings will be well worth checking out .
19 A Mickey Dolenz lookalike beats out bongo rhythms frontstage to complement their dance grooves , while vocalist Stella dances around in her multicoloured cat suit , not yet the most comfortable of performers but there 's enough spirit in the band to suggest their debut waxings will be well worth checking out .
20 To be honest I 'd rather be there for going out in the morning and
21 All the ingredients would be there in Carry on Sergeant and although most of the stock characters would come later , the basic idea was evident from the first ever laughs for a ‘ Carry On ’ film in 1958 .
22 ‘ I 'm content to go into the army , and I 'm definitely against giving up territory to the Arabs . ’
23 I do n't feel I 'm anywhere near reaching that ideal .
24 Flowers such as strelitzias , anthuriums and orchids last a very long time and are well worth taking home — some flower shops will pack them specially for export .
25 The shares took a bit of a knock due to profit-taking but are well worth holding ahead of major expansions .
26 On the assumption that they will , there are one or two operational points which , if repeated , are well worth looking out for .
27 Loosely grouped under the name Pentstemon gloxiniodes an increasing number of varieties are now available and are well worth looking out for .
28 British Gas has a range of regular service schemes which are well worth checking out .
29 Second-hand pipe organs are sometimes worth considering when they are fine instruments and when the total cost of their purchase , removal and rebuilding in a place suitable for them makes economic sense .
30 He waited until they were outside before speaking again .
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