Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv] [that] the " in BNC.

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1 The off-worlders are all required to be there so that the Vadinamians can know where they are and can watch them .
2 It is most probably that the inhabitants had heard of this religion which had spread over Europe and had been known as early as the late Roman period in Britain .
3 Moreover , if it is right here that the tax was repaid as a matter of extra-statutory discretion , and interest from the date of Nolan J. 's order was paid on the same basis , it is not clear to me how a review of the discretionary refusal to pay interest which was not due in law can properly be examined by way of judicial review .
4 I believe that the money should be spent now on the services used now , and we must ensure that the planning is right so that the terminus is built in the right place .
5 It might save money , but in terms of the environmental impact it is quite disastrous , and I think that it 's only now that the real problems in London for example are coming home to roost , er and I would ask that point to be borne in mind by whoever we decide should make representations to the commissioners .
6 Most of science is built up on good solid craftsmanship and it is only rarely that the occasional blinding flash of world-shattering importance ever really occurs .
7 However , it is only rarely that the more esoteric operations are ever used , particularly in programs compiled from high-level languages .
8 It is only later that the effect of this spending becomes apparent and more money may have to be spent to reach an effect that is desired .
9 All of this can come as no surprise , since one of the greatest difficulties which confronts the medical legal commentator in dealing with the treatment of the terminally ill is that techniques and technology have developed and changed with such rapidity in the past decade or so that it is only vaguely that the problems are perceived , let alone responded to by developing a general consensus in the form of law .
10 Most are working in central London , some also in one or two other major cities , since it is only there that the sort of prestigious hotels and banqueting suites which can mount an almost unbroken series of events are to be found .
11 It is only now that the correctness of this approach is becoming apparent .
12 It is only now that the attention can be turned onto the actual hardware and software that will be required .
13 It is only then that the third stage comes into operation , that of the actual data collection .
14 Today is the actual anniversary of the tragic night in Tottenham when Eubank crushed Watson — and it is only recently that the Islington fighter has started to make a real recovery .
15 It is only recently that the municipal authorities and hospital boards have begun to discuss the possibility of changing the insurers ' conditions of funding so that they are more permissive of non-medical intervention and support .
16 It is only recently that the DES has introduced ethnic monitoring in mainstream institutions and some LEAs embarked on equality targets .
17 However , it is only recently that the connection of reference in general to indexicals has begun to concern those philosophers with an investment in logical semantics .
18 It was n't a red-hot knife , it 's just simply that the surgeon had taken this knife , started to carve her abdomen open , and the heat part of the heat was the actual blood that was coming out of this wound .
19 Well it 's just like that the joke kinda on him because he 's erm , he 's the one they 're all concealing the identity of the house
20 Dobson argues convincingly that as the admission of freemen was controlled by the borough authorities , it is more probably that the increased number of admissions was prompted by their desire to spread the load of civic obligations , and to secure money from the payments made on entry to assist shaky borough finances .
21 It is probably here that the greatness of Nizan 's writing ability is most clearly exemplified , at the line where the political and the personal collide .
22 It is here however that the feminist questions arise .
23 It is here too that the husband should act as priest within his own household , as the example and nurturer of his wife and children .
24 Here , it is quite simply that the religion has not lived up to the expectations of its followers , that is , it has provided for them none of the benefits that they were led to expect when they were first introduced to it .
25 It is this family situation as experienced by the child Nizan which requires detailed commentary , for it is precisely here that the fundamental structure of Nizan 's emotional and intellectual outlook was formed , a deep-rooted psychological state which had profound effects on the thoughts and actions of the adult writer .
26 But it is very lately that the truly magnificent taste in gardening has flourished in these northern parts of Europe , for although in King Charles the Second 's reign there was great spirit amongst the nobility and gentry of England for planting and gardening , which spirit was greatly heighten 'd in King William 's reign , during which time most of the large gardens of England were laid out and planted , yet we find the taste at that time extended little farther than to small pieces of box-wood , finish 'd parterres and clipp 'd greens , all of which are now generally banished out of the gardens of the most polite persons of this age , who justly prefer the more extended rural designs of gardens which approach the nearest to nature .
27 This was so notwithstanding that the field could be closed at any time and that certain people could be refused admission .
28 One , Sir Joseph Robinson , who had been convicted for fraudulent share-dealing in South Africa , was sufficiently so that the Chief Whip , F. E. Guest , was charged with calling on him in his suite at the Savoy Hotel and telling him that he had no alternative but to withdraw from the list even though his name had already been published .
29 It was only later that the aesthetic dimension of literary study became emphasized , with an accompanying concentration on the fictional genres .
30 It was only later that the significance of the surrendering of providing powers in 1930 became fully apparent to the District .
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