Example sentences of "be [adv] [prep] he [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 If the laboratory scientists were there already — and Lorrimer , the Senior Biologist , never missed a homicide if he could help it — then there might n't be much for him to do .
2 It would be just like him to salve the fractured heart with chemicals .
3 It would be just like him to regard a child as a competitor for my affections . ’
4 So for Rabbit to believe that P is true is just for him to believe P , i.e. to believe that there 's honey .
5 ‘ We are giving him another chance , but the pressure is now on him to show us what he is capable of , ’ said Laporte .
6 All the information is there for him to find .
7 There 's nowhere for him to go for a bit of company — he wo n't go to the day hospital because he thinks they 'll make him take drugs .
8 Thus it is a question of fact for the coroner to decide whether a death is natural or not natural and it is therefore for him to decide whether an inquest should be held .
9 Yet he could not stop short of that moment , and that was enough for him to know .
10 She was coldly angry now that he should so calmly assume that what he desired was there for him to take .
11 There was nowhere for him to put his feet .
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