Example sentences of "be [adv] [prep] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 Their strengths are rather in clearing the ground of preconceived ideas about the arts , and putting new points of view .
2 Players often ask why teaching professionals are so against using the wedge .
3 Acer is a name in everyday use among those who loiter in garden centres and whose thoughts are always on making the garden at home a better place .
4 ‘ The design of work , the work , the structure of reward and control systems , the structure of the organisation , the management of groups and the control of conflict are always of managing the environment in order to influence behaviour .
5 I 'm all for having the ball in play as often as possible .
6 One thing is for sure , commissioning design and print will always have its pitfalls , whether it is a doorhanger , bar bill or sophisticated brochure , but those willing to spend time carefully considering the requirements and choosing a printer will not be long in reaping the rewards .
7 In peaceful times this levy might be enough for policing the Papal State , but to stave off imperial claims Innocent used paid troops and relied heavily on diplomatic manoeuvres to gain the support of allies .
8 A mechanical amplifier had been envisaged by Edison in 1877 , and an electronic amplifier by Lee de Forest in 1914 ; but there proved to be more to solving the problem than that .
9 This does not detract from the pleasure there may be both in recognizing the possibilities and in being able to judge them unambiguously .
10 first of all I 'm absolutely against having the controlled entry into Equity .
11 Based on the successful model of the SCRE Spotlights ( A4 format with letterhead , easy to photocopy , relatively cheap to produce ) , this new series will be specifically for reporting the work of teacher researchers who are members of the Scottish Teacher Researcher Network .
12 ‘ Neither of us , sister , got where we are today by toeing the line . ’
13 So what grounds are there for condemning the porn ?
14 Few of us , driven by the irrepressible instincts of the Stone Age , are capable of recognising that shifting your hedge is rather like moving the sitting room furniture around .
15 ‘ It is rather like copying the squirrel who collects nuts all through the summer when he can and then has a good store for the lean winter months . ’
16 To omit this background is rather like accusing the RAF of bombing innocent women and children in Berlin without mentioning that world war two was going on at the time .
17 Trying to persuade a German owner of one to part with it is rather like trying the same exercise on a Frenchman with an E-model Jodel D140 Mousquetaire .
18 Not having the familiar jolly holly accessories on the festive table is rather like serving the turkey without cranberry sauce , leaving the fairy lights off the tree , or forgetting the mistletoe for those Christmas kisses .
19 Little Big Man , in contrast , is rather like documenting the US space programme by following the janitor in the NASA HQ …
20 This is rather like saying the second world war only started when the doodlebugs started falling .
21 it is rather like highlighting the lion 's view of captivity , it implies that this is demonstrably different from the tiger 's view , and this draws attention away from the significant fact of captivity .
22 Gerald has been known to coin such memorable one-liners as the following : ‘ If the joy of the Lord is our strength , it 's little wonder that the church in Britain has been so weak and ineffective ’ ; ‘ There 's no virtue in being ten or twenty years behind the times ’ ; ‘ Most Christians are nicer than God himself ’ ; ‘ It is the unshared areas of our lives where Jesus is not Lord ’ ; ‘ One of the reasons the church in Britain has failed to grow is quite simply because it is full of people who are extremely rude ’ ; ‘ Putting the life of God into institutional Christianity is rather like putting the life of a human being into a kangaroo … . ’ 'You are only a leader if someone 's following you' ( Gerald Quotes ) .
23 This is rather like putting the cart before the horse and it is very difficult later to take up the study of the horse when all previous emphasis has been placed upon the cart !
24 Bakhtin means to mean something , however difficult the meaning , and reading him is recognizably like reading the great critics of the past .
25 But the name of Powell is invoked to give legitimacy to the event ; it 's rather like getting the priest to bless your car .
26 Can I close by thanking Rod our Chief Racing Coach for what I thought was a very excellent presentation of the R Y A Ye Year of Youth Sailing and I have great pleasure in launching that initiative for ts er this year 's Earls Court Boat Show again it seems horribly self evident that it 's only through increasing the involvement of the young that we assure thriving clubs and associations and classes for the future but nobody up here is going to say that it 's easy and I believe though that the work that the official , the officers and the R Y A put together will make it easier than it once was and I hope that the literature that they have put together and the programme that they have put together will be a help to all of you so please make use of it .
27 Yes I think it 's perhaps worth making the point erm to Rosemary that although , as you say , i it 's six feet high , that it does n't spread all that wide and it 's , it 's a mistake in a small garden to think that you ca n't have things that are on the tall side .
28 Releasing the emotional threads is somewhat like cutting the umbilical cord : if it is done too soon , both parties risk severe injury through loss of blood , whereas if it is left too long , it becomes an obscenity , a viscous , unnatural-looking projection of the human body .
29 This is somewhat like making the target broader so that it becomes easier to hit .
30 It is only worth saving the seed of annuals that are not F1 hybrids , and ideally mixtures , where cross pollination by another colour will not matter .
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