Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] by [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Recently , flies have been successfully controlled by mixing one of its pheromones with a nonspecific insecticide .
2 And then Mrs Reed , whose health had been badly affected by worrying about her son , had suddenly fallen ill when she heard of his death .
3 Like Nigeria , Libya has been badly affected by growing North Sea production as has the development of its oil industry .
4 The company , which owns the historic MV Brightlingsea that links Harwich and Felixstowe , has been badly hit by falling passenger levels .
5 ( There are young people , functionally illiterate , whose involvement in educational pursuits has been greatly stimulated by allowing them to make slide-sequences or videotapes ; the acquisition of reading skills sometimes comes after the motivation has been established by other communication experiences . )
6 These areas are much frequented by wintering flocks of Redpolls and Siskins , and Woodcock often feed in these sites .
7 These are less affected by stretching and restretching than are the animal skins formerly used .
8 That the congregation progressed favourably during the time they had ministers and probationers to preach there , but their progress has been suddenly arrested by having no minister to officiate among them .
9 We are so encumbered by having British literature in our foreground that … one must speak of it in disproportion .
10 We do operate a handicap system and certificates are only issued by qualifying at our golf days .
11 He had been so moved by reading Political Justice that in 1794 he had decided to found a Godwinian state in a remote part of America .
12 Oliver said that could have been easily accomplished by telling Shildon where they really were and if it were Shildon she had heard going through a desk in the typists ' room he must already have found out .
13 In addition to the above , annuals are normally covered by standing orders , which eliminate repetitive clerical work .
14 On the well-known principle that new dog and cat foods are best tested by feeding them to , respectively , dogs and cats , the vintage crop of 1982 books on astronomy was therefore fed to members of the Astronomy Department of Glasgow University experienced in both teaching the subject and researching in it .
15 Although these functions have remained essentially unchanged since the early 1970s , there have been a number of changes in the way they have been carried out , which are best examined by looking at the balance sheet of the discount market ( Table 17.8 ) :
16 He suggested that people 's interests are best served by pursuing personal gains .
17 The trustees have sufficient discretion for future use of the estate … if they decide that its interests are best served by selling it they can do so .
18 The legal issues are best understood by distinguishing between the benefit of a contract and the burden of a contract , or between the rights and entitlements of a contract and the obligations to be performed under a contract .
19 These terms are best understood by visualising the monofilament as a solid , circular section flexible rod , while twist is a combination of fine threads , wound together as found in a Hawser .
20 The important differences are best summarised by comparing features of their balance sheets .
21 The net effects are best demonstrated by looking at the population .
22 Perhaps these kinds of questions are best answered by knowing what we want to analyse .
23 These are best achieved by catching the string with the flesh of your r/h thumb immediately after the pick has struck the string .
24 Light and portable products both chemical and equipment are best controlled by assembling them into ‘ kits ’ , ready for use in an improvised or specially provided container .
25 Some of the crucial variables are best identified by posing a single question , in some such form as , ‘ What happens at the eventual hearing of the case by the trial court ? ’
26 Lice themselves are best found by combing the hair with a detector comb .
27 Those that are due to demands ' being refused and bad temper can be ignored but others are best managed by helping the child cope with frustrating experiences .
28 Problems of late bedtimes are best measured by recording the time the child goes to bed and soiling is best measured by frequency .
29 These are best considered by itemizing characteristics of contemporary environmental monitoring and prediction :
30 These disadvantages are largely overcome by using the tape-recorder or cassette recorder , so if possible put the record material on tape or cassette .
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