Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His admirers are already comparing him with Chips Channon , Harold Nicolson , Richard Crossman , even Samuel Pepys .
2 Please do n't think you 're doing your horse a favour in cold weather by shutting his top door , because you 're actually subjecting him to all sorts of health hazards .
3 You now , he , he 's had , I 'm just keeping him on the straight and narrow while he 's on remission .
4 I 'm forever putting him on diets but he just runs straight round to the local kebab shop and puts away three large doners and a rum baba .
5 Perhaps I 'm still punishing him by penning this recollection , or am I perhaps finally laying the ghost ?
6 Furthermore , I do not see that fastening a label from ancient philosophy upon Wordsworth — in this case to call him a ‘ Pantheist ’ — is particularly helpful ; we are simply consigning him to a museum of dead ideas .
7 By being supportive like this , it will reassure him that his family love him and are there to help him through this difficult time .
8 These commitments were constantly distracting him from what he called " my real , philosophical task , to which , if necessary , I must sacrifice my career " .
9 The elder was behaving as if parties of white women were constantly presenting him with gunpowder .
10 Giant trees were soon surrounding him on all sides and their branches made an almost solid roof high above his head , blotting out the sky .
11 People were always taking him in hand , hoping to reform him , to make him conform to their own self-centred ideal of what he should be .
12 They were still watching him with fox-like concentration .
13 As his new Control explained , the faction of the Lebanese Forces involved in the aborted Contra arms-for-drugs deal in 1985 were known to have members who were DEA CIs , and they were probably tracking him through credit reports , listing his current address , employer and so forth , obtained through Bank Audi , a Beirut bank with a branch in New York .
14 IF Stakis shareholders had come to bury Caesar last year then they were there to praise him at yesterday 's annual general meeting in the Normandy Hotel in Renfrew .
15 He had to — they were doubtless watching him on the closed-circuit television .
16 By a curious twist of fate , it was precisely Nizan 's implacable opposition to fascism and his deep commitment to Republican France that were ultimately to place him in contradiction with the imperialist war thesis advocated by the Communist International a few months later .
17 Character is calculated exactly to support the theme of hierarchy on shipboard in Trial Trip , where a galley boy discovers that he is not entirely free to resume a schoolboy friendship with Tich , now in the second year of his apprenticeship , and in Out of the Shallows , where a sixteen-year-old apprentice with a decided chip on his shoulder suffers from the complications which friendship with a steward brings , particularly as the steward , a thoroughly shifty individual , is merely using him as a way of furthering his own ends .
18 Has he any idea , she was wondering , that that woman is only marrying him for his money ?
19 No see I must admit I wonder whether your Mum will find too much of a handful she 's already telling him off a lot you know ?
20 ‘ Bailey 's already briefed him on the telephone but he wo n't know you 're in charge of the operation until he gets here .
21 Well , what is a man to do , deprived at a stroke of his habitual daily employment for forty years and living for the first time with his widowed younger sister who is always surveying him for signs of disorder , be they physical , emotional or sartorial , and nagging him about unpunctuality for meals .
22 Even after a few minutes — even while the porter is still showing him to his room — Howard feels that he has understood a great deal about this city .
23 YAHOO , a length and a half runner-up to Desert Orchid in last season 's Cheltenham Gold Cup , is being heavily backed to take his revenge in Boxing Day 's King George VI Chase at Kempton , and Coral 's yesterday cut him to 6-1 from 10-1 after laying him to lose £40,000 .
24 The answer is probably to run him on a left hand track where such antics would not cost him so much ground .
25 You might see a pair of long johns , then long johns , and a pair of socks , but Paul said they 've opened windows and Trevor said it 's nearly knocked him off the ladder .
26 Millie 's evidently seen him with the slates coming off the roof and the storm cones flying .
27 Now she 's completely upstaged him by finding a Viking relic over 1,000 years old .
28 He just reads their mail without them knowing it and the thing that would really appeal to him is that the companies he sets his sights on are actually paying him for delivering it ! ’
29 A pipe feeding the power steering system came adrift on the climb oil to pump out of the hydraulic system , and Fisher seized the opportunity to start building a lead that was eventually to carry him to a record fourth successive Lakes victory .
30 Even Peter Thorneycroft , the veteran proto-monetarist of 1958 whom she had made Party Chairman , proved to be a ‘ one-nation ’ man at heart , and she was eventually to sack him in favour of a little-tried new favourite , Cecil Parkinson , the Paymaster-General .
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