Example sentences of "be [adj] that [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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31 It was , he maintains , the complete reversal in the manufacturer-retailer relationship where design is concerned that brought about the high-street revolution for which Habitat was largely responsible .
32 You need special cards to get in even if you are a visitor but so far as the computer is concerned that did not have the same security ? ’
33 It is plain that staying home and looking after children is culturally and economically undervalued by our society .
34 It is perhaps dubious to argue that a prayer or worship becomes more efficacious if more people join in , but there is no doubt that man was created a social animal and ritual that is shared is ritual that becomes more meaningful .
35 Sit downwind , of course , but be aware that wind often swirls in woodland clearings , so look at the leaves on the tops of the trees to make sure you are not being misled by the wind direction at ground level .
36 The car was so low it looked as if a giant had tried to stub it out and it was clear that getting out of the bucket seat gave the Greek momentary altitude sickness .
37 Vic tried to argue that it did n't make any difference how many toilets you had , it was the number of times you flushed them that mattered , but his father was convinced that having so many toilets was an incitement to unnecessary peeing , therefore to excessive flushing .
38 She was burning with curiosity and would have liked to question Madame Gebrec , but it was obvious that to do so would arouse painful memories .
39 As for cutting it away , it was obvious that to wander about on the other side of the rampart was to invite certain death .
40 The governing body was concerned that setting up its own separate committee structure would not only be perceived as competing with the existing structure ( with all the attendant risks of a developing ‘ us and them ’ mentality where one rarely existed before ) , but would also be repetitive .
41 It was true that Shine On looked magnificent .
42 The Japanese government was aware that putting up $3 billion to help Korea service its large foreign debt was going to be in the long-term interests of the many Japanese companies with investments and joint ventures in Korea .
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