Example sentences of "be [adj] that he had " in BNC.

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1 For a moment he thought that a sprinkling of light fell wherever Fael-Inis walked , but as it touched the floor it vanished , and he could not be sure that he had seen it at all .
2 By March he was out again , and back at his office in Faber and Faber , although he was prudent enough to retire to bed early in the evening : with a complaint which had no organic cause , he could not be certain that he had been cured " .
3 At the same time he knew that she would be aware that he had never been with a woman before .
4 Mrs Rosenbloom nearly always found out about it and she would be mad that he had taken me from my work with the children .
5 And the story that I heard which may not be true that he had he did n't have the wig and gown .
6 Among them were those who were convinced that he had secretly been in league with the employers .
7 ’ The committee heard evidence from Stemp and from Worcestershire and were satisfied that he had not knowingly taken amphetamines and that they had been administered to him without his knowledge , approval or authority .
8 All were aware that he had become the vessel of a transcendent power .
9 For some time now he had been certain that he had at last evolved a diction appropriate both to the requirements of classical epic and to the subtleties of the alchemical process .
10 Mancini 's account is an inversion of that suggested here , but it is possible that he had the spectrum of conciliar opinion right and then misread its implications .
11 Mancini 's account is an inversion of that suggested here , but it is possible that he had the spectrum of conciliar opinion right and then misread its implications .
12 ‘ In any case , it is clear that he had made his mind up .
13 Your correspondent , K. Foster ( ‘ Medical fees a rip-off ’ ) is fortunate that he had to pay only £45 for his annual medical and ECG .
14 In saying this , it is likely that he had in mind not merely Lessing 's criterion of beauty , but his fundamental contrast between poetry and the visual arts .
15 From Gordon Thomas 's evidence to the Royal Commission it is obvious that he had carried out much research into an improved canal , including technical planning , estimates of costs and market studies into the expectations of more traffic .
16 It is unlikely that he had kept his hands out of ecclesiastical politics in a diocese which could easily have become his family 's see .
17 It is true that he had omitted the full details of the proofs , but the results sought by the French Academy were clearly stated and the main steps in the argument were given .
18 She had not known that Scathach had known , not been aware that he had seen .
19 She had not told her son to keep away from the course because she had not been aware that he had gone that way .
20 It was cruel that he had to die so soon after all he had suffered ; it would have been more cruel if he had died alone , in the dark , knowing that rescue was at hand ; at least he knew the relief of the rescue and died in the comfort of his own bed .
21 She thought she had given him a very tricky word , one that he would n't yet have learned , and she was peeved that he had succeeded .
22 It was odd that he had n't thought about that but immediately it came back to him , the name of the exchange , though Hilbert 's phone had been disconnected .
23 But if he came prepared to kill it was odd that he had relied on seizing the first convenient weapon ; unless , of course , he knew that the mallet would be ready to hand .
24 Certainly she had seen something moving in the forest that day on Ridgery Steep , something fairly large , something white , and Allen had failed to see it ; but then it was possible that he had not looked in the right spot at the right moment and that his failure to see it was an accident .
25 It was possible that he had been in the Rolls with his father on the Sunday night .
26 It was possible that he had forgotten to switch it off last night or that he was at work early , but it was also possible that there had been an intruder .
27 Surely he presented no physical threat to anyone , but it was possible that he had knowledge that was threatening .
28 He was sorry that he had brought up the subject and hastily departed for his shower , shouting that he would tell her while he was dressing .
29 It seemed improper somehow that someone like Tulagai , his motives suspect , should mock Siban , who had served the Khanate so well , and Alexei thought that he was sorry that he had goaded him into leaving .
30 He was sorry that he had criticized her to himself , for hiding in the kitchen , for not being attractive .
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