Example sentences of "be [adj] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We are sorry to be negative but , quite simply , we just do n't trust you , or rather we do n't think that you yet trust yourself to know exactly what 4oz ( 115g ) of lean meat , 6oz ( 170g ) of fish , 2oz ( 55g ) of carrots , or 4oz ( 115g ) peas really look like .
2 This subject may send shivers down your spine , but you are right to be alarmed , for whether it is the lowly woodworm or the dreaded deathwatch beetle , whether it is dry rot or wet rot , all weaken the structural timbers of a dwelling .
3 They are right to be cautious .
4 We are right to be scrupulous to maintain our system of open justice , to require that people be tried for charges the purport of which is known , and in courts which are open to the public and to the press and can be fully and fairly reported .
5 If they are not of God , then we are right to be wary .
6 ‘ You are right to be afraid , ’ Rose Alderley said bracingly .
7 Do you think people are right to be worried about the additives in our food ?
8 The present churches are right to be concerned that many do not give themselves the opportunity to grow in any faith because apathy and false gods have moved into the vacuum that exists instead of a soul .
9 You are right to be concerned about protein levels , but without a very thorough understanding of canine nutritional science , you will end up tying yourself in knots .
10 Professionals are right to be concerned that all children are protected from abuse and neglect .
11 Those in favour of a Europe à la Maastricht are right to be concerned .
12 The planned Intel Corp Pentium desktop machines will come in 60MHz and 66MHz configurations and are due to be available the end of the third quarter .
13 She had been right to be wary of any new involvement , to stop things before they went too far .
14 The physical survival of computer discs , and of the hardware and software appropriate to reading them , has been tackled by other organisations , including the Public Record Office , and we are grateful to be able to draw on their experience .
15 As all 256 colours are displayed at once , the palette takes up quite a large proportion of the screen , and it would have been preferable to be able to select the ones used the most and create your own custom palette .
16 I am sorry to be awkward , but I think you will see that these questions must be answered and if we are going to take extreme positions then we would have to do double the home work that the people do who do n't want to .
17 However , the major problem , and you Ma'am have already touched upon this as well as the Chairman and I am sorry to be repetitive but we do serve all yachtsmen , two and a half to three million of them whilst being financially supported by only sixty five thousand of them .
18 Erm there was I am sorry to be boring but there are all these action points from the previous meeting Oh yes I forgot the action points do you feel we have covered them .
19 I am sorry to be concerned , I do n't know what he wants to pour something down my throat and this is .
20 People , however , can only mobilise their adult mature capacities if their peers are prepared to be curious about their social world and its implicit and explicit political structures as these exist in reality and in their minds .
21 Facts speak for themselves , but only if executives are prepared to listen , are prepared to be convinced .
22 At the skilled end , people who have more experience , he 's done a lot to help erm companies give shares to their employees and companies that are prepared to be innovative erm there 's quite a lot in this erm for them .
23 We wish to continue as a Direct Grant school in friendly co-operation with the local authorities , and we are prepared to be flexible in any new arrangements that we may be able to make together , but we feel that we must preserve the quality , traditions , and record of this School and keep faith with the benefactions of the past and present .
24 Many governing bodies appear to have at least one member who has some skill in financial planning and most governors are prepared to be sympathetic towards financial proposals from heads who show that they are competent .
25 Again , he has been prepared to be physical when the necessity arose while his choice of options has been admirable for one so short of international experience .
26 Both Paul and Keith have been careful to be polite to each other all week .
27 They are free to be energetic and enterprising ; they are equally free to be lethargic and dilatory ; the self-respect of the voluntary group depends on the fact that any success it has is due to its own efforts .
28 COMMENT AND FACT Newspapers should not express comment on conjecture as fact and should distinguish between them , but they are free to be partisan .
29 There appear to be four main Soviet categories for Latin American regimes : ( i ) ‘ revolutionary democratic ’ states or ( a label rarely applied ) states of ‘ socialist orientation ’ , such as post-1979 Nicaragua and 1979–83 Grenada ; ( ii ) capitalist , yet ‘ progressive ’ and ‘ anti-imperialist regimes which are willing to be friendly to the Soviet Union and stand up to the United States , such as Mexico and panama ( particularly under General Omar Torrijos ( 1969–81 ) , who negotiated a treaty with the Carter administration providing for complete Panamanian sovereignty over the Canal by 1999 , a campaign that was strongly supported by Moscow ) .
30 In general , ministers are willing to be flexible to ensure that they can counter criticism arising from immediate public anxieties .
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