Example sentences of "be [adj] [prep] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Surface pumps are preferable for some water gardens , especially where a relatively high ‘ head ’ of water is necessary , this ‘ head ’ being the vertical distance between water level and the highest point of discharge .
2 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
3 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
4 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
5 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
6 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
7 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
8 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
9 Although we set ourselves high standards , if we do not meet your expectations and you are dissatisfied in some way we would like to know .
10 As is often the case in this sort of situation , both sides are right to some degree .
11 He had been asleep for some time , physically exhausted after his ordeal , but now he tossed and turned , held fast in the grip of some awful nightmare .
12 ‘ The nurse tells me she 's been asleep for some time . ’
13 She has been depressed for some time .
14 Resorting to personal ties to survive or advance is a mechanism which has been used to some effect over the generations , but which prevents people turning to organisations or political activity which might , in the long run , prove more effective in solving their problems .
15 The weather had been dry for some time and , fanned by an easterly wind , the fire spread rapidly until , within three days , it had engulfed most of the city .
16 In that process , it may well be that some of those concerned in the management of the company , and others as well , have been guilty of some misconduct or impropriety which is of relevance to the liquidation .
17 ‘ The enormity of the figures describing zero-point energy has led theorists to question from time to time whether these numbers should be taken seriously , or whether they are due to some defect or misinterpretation of the theory .
18 His friend and doctor , Dr James Mortimer , said that Sir Charles ' heart had been weak for some time .
19 Rumours of cutbacks at the factory have been rife for some time .
20 We are grateful for some help received to date from QP and if other friends wish to be identified with the work in a practical manner , this would be much appreciated .
21 ‘ A number of invitations have been outstanding for some time , and people just chose to take them up at this stage , ’ one said .
22 H Your health and fitness are deficient in some respect .
23 It has been possible for some time to cruise down the Nile , or stay in some of the jewelled and painted palaces of Moghul India , or walk along the Great Wall of China .
24 ‘ That has been possible for some time .
25 For National Certificate modules it has been possible for some time to approve alternative outcomes , under certain circumstances , for students with special needs of all kinds .
26 During the party leadership contest much emphasis had been placed in the media on the fact that Major had not had the advantage of a privileged home background or education , that his father had once been a trapeze artist , that his family had lived in a flat in Brixton in South London , and that he had left school at 16 and been unemployed for some time .
27 At a time when over one third of the economically active population aged under 25 have been unemployed at some time in the last 12 months , the prospects of reaching 80 per cent owner-occupation without drastic policy changes seem dim ( Social Trends 15 , Table 4.26 ) .
28 But we were moving in different directions and it had been clear for some while that we stayed together out of habit .
29 It has been clear for some time that the demands of the arms control process would increasingly dominate military planning .
30 The warnings had been clear for some time .
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