Example sentences of "be [adj] [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In truth there are liquid acrylics of varying viscosity and therefore suitable for different uses , but the one thing which they all have in common is that they open up acrylic work to the whole field of design and illustration and offer other useful techniques for the fine artist .
2 They differ from older forms of association in that they are two-way trades of complementary strengths among competitors .
3 As for the tabloids , additions to the range of publications have either been arm's-length extensions of existing publishing groups ( Today , 1986 — ) or born out of existing publishing houses ( Mail on Sunday , 1983 — , Star , 1978 ) .
4 In my village there had been historic upheaval over such questions as whether it was right that hymns should be sung in the House of God .
5 The portraits of Lady Charlotte Burgoyne ( c1771–2 ) and an anonymous woman in a pink dress ( c1772 ) are ample proof of this .
6 There are ample opportunities for those who wish to take part in music-making.There are also fine collections of keyboard and other historical musical instruments maintained by the Faculty of Music .
7 *1987 figures are combined totals for Finnish People 's Democratic League ( SKDL ) and Democratic Alternative ( DEVA ) .
8 They are deeply-felt songs of pioneering days ; for instance :
9 Consumption and saving are stable functions of current disposable income .
10 It seems likely that these eye movements are involuntary symptoms of neurophysiological events taking place during REM sleep , with no direct relation to the images generated during dreaming .
11 There has been a retirement migration to small inland towns in these regions for , as the authors of the study stress ‘ ail of these are rural areas with attractive scenery which have been largely by-passed by industrial development of any scale ’ ( Law and Warnes 1976 , p. 470 ) .
12 The second is not so easy to explain away , for it implied a fundamental incomprehension of the financial industry , many of whose 200,000 employees are Labour voters in marginal Edinburgh seats .
13 There have been conflicting reports about much of the 36-year-old bachelor 's background .
14 There have been conflicting reports of raised levels of neutralising , circulating antibodies to adenovirus 12 in coeliac disease patients .
15 There had been conflicting opinions by individual judges on whether injuries must be sustained by a living person before next-of-kin could sue .
16 Nos. 23 and 24 are polishing rooms for finishing panels and cabinet work , girls being mostly employed .
17 The Mersey Tunnel and the Severn Bridge are classic examples of cynical fiscal racketeering , obstacles on trunk roads for which extra cash will be extracted forever .
18 Automatically controlled gas-fired central heating rather than servant-maintained coal fires , dishwashers and automatic washing machines rather than scullery and laundry maids , and power tools and easily applied decorating materials rather than handymen and ‘ ragged trousered philanthropists ’ are classic examples of this switch .
19 The lowlanders are sub-moral beings in Buid eyes , given their aggressive and domineering customs .
20 A great number of equestrian statues must have existed but there are scanty remains of these .
21 These annual ‘ credit approvals ’ are split between what are called basic credit approvals ( BCAs ) , which are total figures for each service and supplementary credit approvals ( SCAs ) which relate to particular projects .
22 There is a wealth of small-scale detail within the bands , particularly at the boundaries , and some of this detail is visible in Figure 9.3 : there are wavelike features of all sizes and colours , and there are ovals , sometimes called ‘ spots ’ , also of various sizes and colours .
23 There are dishonest traders about unfortunately , just as I suppose there are dishonest people in most walks of life but we like to think that in Nottinghamshire they are in a s small minority .
24 Such deaths are normal consequences of Western contact with previously isolated tribes .
25 The other group of problems are specific manifestations of immune defects caused by HIV infection .
26 I have found no such systematic problems , but if there are specific difficulties in some practices , those involved should discuss them with their regional health authority .
27 Treaty , together with articles 52 and 221 , which are specific expressions of that article , can not apply to nationality requirements of the type at issue in this instance .
28 Erm all that sort of leads me back to where I started from , our perception of this survey is that it 's encouraging in the sense that it suggests that the recovery in the economy is erm widening and deepening if you like , it 's widening in the sense that it 's spreading to all the mainland regions of the U K and it 's deepening in the sense that erm firstly , although there are regional variations within this , it 's clearly not purely an export story and it 's not purely a domestic story , it 's a mixture of the two which gives us some reassurance erm it 's also deepening in the sense that there 's no evidence from the survey of anything which is likely to trip up the recovery in the short term , and remember that most of these er questions relate to the next four months , not all of them , but mo most of them relate to the next four months so one does n't want to extrapolate too far forward but nevertheless if you look at erm er most obviously sort of the the crisis and the inflation questions , if you look at er
29 Here are narrow buildings with ornate , stepped and curving gables , topped by sculptured finials standing side by side , each one different but creating a homogeneous whole .
30 Yet under this placid surface there are strong forces of demographic restructuring at work .
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