Example sentences of "be [art] first [noun] a " in BNC.

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1 But since gaps on the bench happen rarely , and since this will be the first chance a Democratic president has had to choose a justice since Lyndon Johnson was in the White House , the usual debate about likely replacements is under way .
2 It is believed to be the first time a developer has urged the Government to schedule an archaeological site .
3 If he wins , it will be the first time a black person has been elected to a US state governorship .
4 If confirmed , it will be the first time a black person has been elected to a US state governorship .
5 AI believes this may be the first time a poll has shown such opposition .
6 Even then this will be the first time a draft will have been presented to Council .
7 The Admiral can have the admiral 's cabin — it 'll be the first time an admiral has slept there .
8 Apart from the shining neon power switch and the Slave function already discussed , the Behringer will sit quietly in your rack , floating in a sea of general blackness , and probably wo n't be the first thing a visitor to your studio comments upon .
9 This momentous decision — it is the first time a former Greek prime minister has been indicted by parliament — was complemented by measures the left coalition in particular regards as vital to prevent abuse of power by single-party governments in future .
10 This is the first time a unit trust company has had to suspend funds under the Financial Services Act 's pricing regulations , which oblige it to cease trading once an error is suspected .
11 It is the first time a sculpture from the period has fetched such a sum .
12 It is the first time a former officer has been given permission to write about MI5 since Sir Percy Sillitoe , the post-war head of the service , published his memoirs in 1955 .
13 It is the first time a party from the south have joined the team , headed by Keith Taylor , area organiser for the charity , Aid to Romanian Orphans .
14 Which leads us on to the big selling point of these guitars , since this is the first time a production Telecaster has been fitted with a five-way switch .
15 ‘ This is the first time a beacon has been used in a mountain rescue in the UK , ’ said a rescuer .
16 IT IS understood that this is the first time a former LMS type has been on the line and follows the successful hire of former GWR 2-8-0 3822 by the WSR this year .
17 This is the first time a Black Ark has ever been sunk and marks the beginning of the High Elves ' naval ascendancy over their dark kindred .
18 While this as such simply acknowledges the situation as it is and is followed by a far longer passage relating to the benefits of celibacy for the Western rite , it remains a highly important text because it is the first time a Roman Council or any major Roman document has explicitly accepted and recommended the uniting of priesthood and marriage in a single life .
19 The Committee believes that this is the first time a group of solicitors , experts in their field , have considered the legal feasibility of an anti-discrimination law to help people with disabilities work .
20 This is the first time a high street fast food chain has linked up with a theme park .
21 this is the first time a cardinal has preached before an English monarch since the Reformation
22 It is the first time a British team has ever won a dressage medal and only the second in any major international championship .
23 Osmone ( to give it its official name ) soothes because it is the first thing a newborn baby smells , he says .
24 It 's the first time a leading drinks company has lent its weight to such a campaign .
25 It 's the first time a licence has been refused because of animal welfare .
26 But it 's the first time a cell has been set alight since the brand new modern jail was opened .
27 Noel Lynch , of the Ulster Aviation Society , said : ‘ It 's the first time a reunion like this has taken place .
28 ‘ It 's the first time an older woman has really stirred me . ’
29 It 's the first time an individual children 's title has been advertised on the large screen .
30 You ca n't ignore it it 's the first thing a buyer will , a buyer 's survey will pick up , especially as it was mentioned in our survey
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