Example sentences of "be [art] [noun sg] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's home to The Ski School Of Great Britain and nearby Murren has been the backdrop for films including James Bond 's On Her Majesty 's Secret Service — remember the revolving restaurant ?
2 To take a concrete example , an established characteristic of the pricing decision across many Western economies over several decades has been the tendency for firms , particularly firms in the manufacturing sector , to set prices as a mark up over variable costs , the most prominent among which is the money wage .
3 The dark , brooding look about him , so daunting at their first meeting , was missing these days , replaced by a zest and animation she knew must have been the norm for Penry Vaughan before his marriage — or before his divorce , she corrected herself .
4 I guess Waldo must have been the codename for CorelDRAW 2 during development and it got stuck in the code .
5 Virgin had been dabbling in West Indian music for three years , and again it was Chris Blackwell and Island who had been the inspiration for Virgin 's involvement .
6 The flaunting of symbols has so often been the occasion for counter-demonstrations and rioting that the government has often banned parades or re-routed them away from particularly sensitive areas .
7 Previously this had been the case for interest on development of investment properties , but interest on dealing activities was capitalised .
8 As has been the case for years , one of the major difficulties in making such provision is the shortage of suitably qualified and experienced teachers .
9 Contrast the situation which pertains when a group of men celebrate the eucharist together , as has often been the case for example in a monastic setting .
10 That has been the case for lifers since 1970 .
11 It had been THE facility for parachute servicing .
12 However , the playgroup run by local parents had not been the success for Balbinder that we had hoped .
13 It is also in keeping with the history of the square which has always been the centre for vendors and street artists .
14 This , rather than Inch Keith or Scalpay , would have been the island for Johnson .
15 But ref Snoddy , with vast experience of World Cup and European football , insisted : ‘ It has never been the custom for referees to be paid their expenses in cash — or for clubs to hand over the money . ’
16 Various alternative uses have been suggested by the council in its attempts to justify the closure , but its main plank has been the need for housing .
17 Apart from short leases , it has long been the practice for business tenancies to provide expressly for insurance of premises against fire and other damage .
18 In the past it has been the practice for research and development contracts to be on a ‘ cost plus ’ basis .
19 Sometimes conditions could be even worse : Godwin , for example , describes a London court where ‘ the basement story of nearly all the houses was filled with foetid refuse , of which it had been the receptacle for years ’ , and one water barrel of 50 to 60 gallons is intended to serve two houses , containing between them at least a hundred people .
20 That has been the dilemma for Hong Kong — the necessity of staunching the flow — and they deserve understanding for a decision that carries all manner of risks for their own future as 1997 nears .
21 That has been the dilemma for Hong Kong — the necessity of staunching the flow — and they deserve understanding for a decision that carries all manner of risks for their own future as 1997 nears .
22 Fruit , though , had been the filler for pigs , the mash for cattle nursed past Christmas , at best the occasional absent-minded addition to a bare table .
23 William Cossart arrived in Madeira in 1808 from Ireland , where he had been the agent for Newton , Gordon , Murdoch & Co .
24 Well yes it is certainly fascinating to hear the views of , of members an and indeed it , it 's tempting to go on I think about or personal experience of floods , but this is not the time or the place I would suggest to do that erm strategic planning seems to me has been the venue for discussions with Southern Water Authority with the National Rivers Authority itself , we are the committee that tries to look many , many years ahead .
25 Most of the cost was met by the wealthy Congregationalist , Abel Buckley , who had been the MP for Prestwich Division in the Home Rule Parliament of 1885 .
26 A relative in the same village had goods valued at no more than 6s. 8d. , though enjoying an income of £3. 6s. 8d. from land , which , in this poor region , may , rather than £5 , have been the minimum for gentlemen , many of whom are only identifiable by their landed incomes .
27 He wears boilersuits and lives on the beach at Dungeness ; and sitting in his shack surrounded by pebbles , plants and other exotica he could almost have been the model for Peter Greenaway 's Prospero .
28 This programme has been the model for governments across the whole world .
29 This might have been the moment for Britain to transfer her loyalties to the European Community , but her ties with the Commonwealth and the special relationship were too strong .
30 Perhaps the two most comprehensive critical reviews of the Indian soil conservation are the Centre for Science and Environment 's The State of the Indian Environment ( 1982 ) and Cahill 's report for the FAO ( 1981 ) .
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