Example sentences of "be [art] [adj] [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 One day Jesus said to his friends : I am the Bread of Life I am the living Bread which has come down from heaven Anyone who eats this bread Shall live for .
2 Indeed one might well argue that unless this generation is able to distinguish between what has been the religious vehicle which has carried people 's love of God , and the love of God itself which needs to be interpreted in new ways , there may be scant hope for the future of religion in the west .
3 It had been the Nordic states which had drawn back from the full implications of the Oslo and Ouchy Conventions of the 1930s .
4 Another interesting aspect has been the two bridges which span approximately 24 metres .
5 The weather has been very pleasant on the whole — sometimes a little too hot for comfort , but there has been the occasional rain-storm which has been refreshing .
6 The influence of these doctrines on modern analytical thought has been profound and lasting , and so , alas , have been the philosophical misconceptions which these doctrines tended to engender .
7 Unfortunately it seems that it has been the agricultural ministry which has won the debate , and Britain is merely tinkering with the problem .
8 The trigger had been the near fatality which , although in itself buried , had awakened a great deal of emotional hurt that could not be ignored and for which he was impelled to seek help .
9 Aesthetic appearance , rarity and durability may have been the physical attributes which led particular substances to be categorized as precious , but it was the fact of being recognized as such which made them effective as symbols .
10 Recipients of many conifers have been the National Parks which now find themselves under serious threat from developers instead of trees .
11 It seems to have been the tenth raid which did the greatest damage , when the ‘ sea island , with its H-jetty was hit and a Korean tanker loading there set on fire .
12 It is as if this had been the artificial carapace which had now dissolved and there emerged the smiling , bright-eyed figure of Eliot , with an expression close to that of the photographs taken of him in childhood .
13 But even if the Verulamium defences were post-Hadrianic , it may not have been the same operation which provided for such an in-significant place as Great Casterton .
14 It is not clear however that it has been the stronger adversary which has done so , rather than a weaker party with its back to the wall .
15 First , there are the substantive responsibilities which go hand in hand with the moral virtues that are inseparably part of the intellectual life .
16 Numerous are the unresolved hurts which lurk in many of us , years after their first appearance in our inner world .
17 More acceptable are the kentucky mops which have flat , longer stringed heads , clipped rather than screw fixed to a wire frame .
18 The velvety-brown cylinders towards the top of the stems are the female flowers which also produce the seeds .
19 But how petty and unseemly are the semitransparent hints which keep appearing , like people spitting after a departing train , suggesting that this self-sacrificing collector was unscrupulous .
20 Enclosed are the following forms which should be completed as follows : 305U Original To be signed by Mr. O'Brien and witnessed by yourselves , Mr. & Mrs. O'Brien to acknowledge receipt of copies at foot of page .
21 Accounting policies are the specific bases which an enterprise chooses and follows consistently as being , in the opinion of management , best suited to present its financial results fairly .
22 John Boys in his Agriculture of the County of Kent 1794 , tells us that hop poles are the chief article which make woods valuable in this part of the country , there being not only local demand but the poles are carried as far as Maidstone and beyond , the planters preferring the poles grown on the hills to those of quicker growth .
23 Naturally the ILP remained hostile to the League , commenting that : The only groups which will participate in this effort are the insignificant number which have already put themselves outside the ILP .
24 Holism , as we have seen , is defined as the view that social phenomena are to be explained by appealing primarily to the properties of social wholes , since the latter are the causal factors which shape the characteristics of individual members of society .
25 And way above it all , on top of a nearby mountain , are the anti-aircraft guns which seem to provide scant protection for these 4,000 students .
26 Warming-up figures like the infinity or horizontal figure of eight , and straight passes in trail are the introductory manoeuvres which involve least complication and yet teach the flyers the arts of timing and speed control .
27 It is not proposed to discuss every provision of this large Statute in detail , but the following are the major points which will affect day-to-day claims handling on Marine Pleasurecraft business .
28 These are the only texts which list the words suitable to establish trusts .
29 We have referred to council rents , but , of course , these are the only ones which are not frozen by the Rent Restrictions Acts .
30 Apart from the obvious fact that certain kinds of learning may be most appropriately learnt directly from a teacher , there are many contents in Africa where ‘ formal ’ and ‘ teacher-centred ’ approaches are the only ones which can rationally and effectively be used .
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