Example sentences of "be [prep] one [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're in one of your melancholy moods , I see . ’
2 Arsenal 's jump to the top of the pile — they were last there in May 1991 — is ominous indeed , particularly as they 're on one of their famous rolls .
3 When , therefore , on 9 December 1949 , an amendment to the Military Aid Program bill proposed by the combined Senate Committees on Foreign Relations and Armed Services sought to earmark the sum of $75 m. for what was eventually described as the ‘ general area of China ’ , in voting to cut the appropriation for the Military Assistance Program in half the House of Representatives may , as Acheson said , have been in one of its berserk moods ; but in order to save the Program , and its underpinning of the fledgling North Atlantic Alliance , Acheson was prepared to accept the amendment and , as he presents it , it seems to have been one of the easiest passages in that summer of difficult decisions .
4 Oh yeah I 've been in one of them .
5 So you 've got the stairca , have you been in one of them ?
6 The call had been for Hank , and had been from one of his classmates , who said that he just wanted to inquire how Hank was .
7 It just came to me and I knew it must be for one of you . ’
8 Er and he said I 'm after one for my horse .
9 I reckon you 'd be like one of them statues — all hard and cold , sort of stuck in one shape .
10 I do n't suffer from ex-hatred myself , assuming that my partner must prefer me to any of her previous lovers or else she would be with one of them .
11 ‘ I suppose he might well be with one of his female colleagues . ’
12 And as a Portuguese Euro-minister claims that Britain 's oil may have to be controlled by the authorities in Brussels , Jacques Delors demands another £2bn and ERM-inspired interest rates force thousands on to the dole , how long will it be before one of our major political parties has the guts to campaign against the European Community in its present form , rather than sticking their collective heads in the merde and pretending that everything 's coming up roses ?
13 It might be on one of them leaflet things , you know they make the leaflets ?
14 But you to be on one of them in n it ?
15 Another of her unattached friends who always seemed to find their way on to the invitation list whenever she was certain he would be at one of her soirees .
16 She had been to one of their meetings , and was even more confirmed not only in the conviction that they were right , but that her own group should get involved in trying to organise women to campaign for wages for housework .
17 If you 've ever been to one of their live performances , you will find the band , yourself and the whole of the crowd jumping around like it was a punk reunion .
18 Readers who have been to one of my knit-club talks , will remember the prototype shown there which I referred to as the ‘ Knit-club Jumper ’ , because of the ease of making the basic jumper look different at each club meeting , just by changing the collar !
19 I I have n't been on one of our courses for a little while but I think that 's very similar to er
20 A telephone enquiry disclosed that there were in fact two St Peter 's Schools in Wapping and that while we were in one of them the audience was in the other .
21 Peterson , who stayed behind with Lotus , began the season with a pole position in Argentina but failed to finish ; Emerson won one of his three races at home in Brazil ; but it was already plain that the main opposition was going to come from Regazzoni and Lauda and the Ferraris , who were on one of their ascendant curves , Lauda in fact winning his first grand prix in Spain in April .
22 It is not necessarily a soft option to tame wild animals , for to do so involves understanding their nature , being at one with it and drawing it into new forms of behaviour .
23 The gestures they make are at one with their interesting footwork .
24 Labelled ‘ bankrupt ’ the whole family which had been at one with their neighbours found themselves set apart .
25 Such groups consist of closely related individuals , and in evolutionary terms at least it is worth one of them dying to help the others , in order that a predator may learn not to touch them again .
26 And Carol and Ann are white and all it needs is for one of them to lead the other , censoring friendship , arousing hostility .
27 It 's about one of his clients , Mrs Marr . ’
28 She 's like one of them underwater swimmers I seen on telly — you know , all slow and graceful like .
29 That 's in one of them photos , we 're at that bar .
30 She 's in one of her moods !
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