Example sentences of "be [prep] [be] [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 Both bodies are to be independent of government .
2 In commenting on the 1991 budget shortly before its final acceptance , the IMF was less critical than in the previous year [ see p. 37509 ] , but stressed that the following year would be crucial if Italy were to be capable of participating fully in European economic and monetary union .
3 Arrears were to have been resolved by the introduction of the " unified housing benefit " , according to which tenants on supplementary benefit were to be relieved of responsibility for paying their rent by having it siphoned off directly by the DHSS .
4 This was the first of many long sieges which were to be characteristic of the war .
5 This seems to me to be the minimum information necessary if the order is to be capable of restoring the parties to their former positions .
6 Objectives must be set if the mission is to be capable of being achieved .
7 Truly , to be always happy and to pass through life without a mental pang is to be ignorant of one half of nature . ’
8 Not to know that is to be ignorant of the whole point of the affirmation .
9 To survive , a butterfly must get away from it — at least 25cm away if it is to be certain of living until morning .
10 To see him as the embodiment of irrationality is to be certain of our own rational cause and motives .
11 To do otherwise is to be guilty of double counting .
12 To expect Paul to call for the abolition of slavery at this point in time is to be guilty of unhistorical thinking .
13 The architecture is to be reminiscent of Dali 's floppy watches , Venuses with drawers and rubber pianos , while other surrealist props that crowd his paintings will inspire sculptures and park entertainments .
14 If this contribution is to be representative of the burial environment within a 30 cm radius , it is best measured in situ , either using small metal capsules containing a highly TL-sensitive material buried for about one year , or using a calibrated gamma ray spectrometer .
15 Probably the best advice is to be wary of any project that is more than a couple of years old , and to be extremely wary of any that were published more than five years ago .
16 The main factor to remember about walking is to be aware of as much of your environment as possible .
17 The important thing is to be aware of these weak points yourself so that you can be prepared with the best positive interpretation of them if the interviewer picks them up .
18 What is important is to be aware of the normal condition of your fish to as to detect any problem immediately , and to check , and if necessary remedy water quality as soon as any trouble is spotted .
19 The aim is to be aware of the contrast between a voice volume that is too loud in ordinary circumstances and the voice volume that is suitable for ordinary conversation but using feeling instead of ( or as well as ) hearing to monitor the loudness .
20 It is clear what Mill 's answer would have to be : ‘ Yes , since to see that something is a certain colour is to be aware of the mere resemblance between a present sensation and a remembered past one . ’
21 You will have your own way of dealing with these reactions but one of the teacher 's functions in a group playback session is to be aware of individual reactions of this kind and to steer discussion away from subjective comment if necessary .
22 Th the only thing I mentioned to the crew is to be aware of static , there 's a lot of static electricity at the moment .
23 Interesting though it is to be aware of the way in which these various theological traditions bear fruit in the mystics ' accounts of their experience , it is important to remember that they can not fully account for this experience .
24 If we seek a constitutive relation which is to be characteristic of a material but not dependent on its dimensions then the use of stress and displacement follows , for otherwise the behaviour of two differently sized samples of the same material would be seen to be different .
25 The church is to be free of prejudices ; everyone is accepted as they are , as individuals who are following Jesus as their Lord .
26 He knew that if he was to be sure of winning he had to hole it .
27 ‘ We can not part from the argument without expressing our belief that some trial judges would be troubled if they were told that their view , unguided as it is by any established practice and expressed in confidence , was to be determinate of the period to be served by a prisoner .
28 Thus education was to be productive of a ‘ good ’ , politically respectable State ; but it must not be seen as instrumental in any narrow or vocational way .
29 This was to be characteristic of the Béarnais nobility throughout the Hundred Years War .
30 Thus the hobelar , a form of light horseman , came to provide the mobile and versatile force which was to be characteristic of so much war on the Anglo-Scottish border in the early fourteenth century .
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