Example sentences of "be [prep] [adj] [coord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In many industries , a strike in 1984 is almost as likely to result in fatalities , injuries , or destruction of property as it would have been in 1934 or even 1904 .
2 She could n't remember having actually been in one and anyway , they rarely came Past Mrs Parvis 's lodgings .
3 All the parties are in close and fairly intimate contact and there is no point in gratuitously annoying and antagonizing people — especially since the oracles may have made a mistake .
4 A manor , it now seems unnecessary to reiterate , might be worth much or little , depending on a combination of factors : the size of the demensne and the efficiency of its management , whether the customary fines were certain or arbitrary , and if the latter , the vigour with which they were exploited .
5 For instance , Lister ( 1988 ) asks : ‘ what comfort would it be for elderly and severely ill patients to hear of ‘ competitive ’ NHS hospitals with vacant beds in Liverpool or Devon ? ’
6 ‘ In the end it was not to be for Donal but hopefully one day they will find a cure . ’
7 Equally , during the summer months ( when the Euro Disneyland Theme Park is open until late at night ) the return to your hotel may be between 9 and 10pm .
8 This is not to say , however , that prevention is impossible , simply that preventive programmes need to concentrate not only on the removal or modification of isolated stresses , but also on the factors surrounding and responsible for such stresses , for these may be of equal or even greater importance in the development of later psychiatric disorders .
9 Even by 1972 , energy and economic issues displaced environmental issues as more newsworthy , being deemed by the media to be of greater and more immediate public interest ( Parlour , 1980 ) .
10 so you could pull it up and down and the effects went out the bottom of the tube , the tube came up like that and it came over , and like that and then the shade would be like that and then you could swing it round
11 Whooping cough may be like this or even asthma .
12 All over two , then if you pass , spread them over minus sixteen add thirty four gives me eighteen over two , or if I do minus thirty four I get nine over two , that 'll be plus nine or even minus twenty five
13 The resignation followed the introduction of a new Constitution adopted by the National Assembly on March 14 , which stipulated that government members had to be aged 35 or above and have held professional responsibilities for a minimum of seven years .
14 Notes : All members of this group can be expected to be aged 60 or more and approximately 66 per cent female .
15 If player II plays , the optimal solution of LPII* , his expected loss will be at most and therefore player I 's expected return will be at most .
16 We believe that the diagnosis of hiatal hernia has been over exagerated and only manometric studies combined with precise endoscopic evaluation can say whether we are dealing with a true hiatal hernia or a small initial Barrett 's oesophagus .
17 In general , we are asked to pay higher salaries to experienced , but ‘ unqualified ’ , technicians than we are to inexperienced but highly ‘ qualified ’ architects of the same age .
18 ‘ It was only a joke but the school secretary , who had a heart condition , thought they were for real and nearly died , ’ says Betty Weller .
19 And they were like that and then of course they used to be er no washing machines you used to be at these here tubs .
20 That is , they were more highly concentrated in the older staple industries which were in acute and widely recognized need of restructuring , the labour shortage was most acute in some of the highly skilled sectors of these very industries , and their loss would be acutely felt , at least in the short term .
21 In doing all of this , we were in good or maybe bad company depending upon how you view it , for example Halla Burton had special charges last year of a hundred and eighty seven million dollars which compared with a hundred and eighty two million dollars of special charges the previous year and Baker Hughes similarly had charges of eighty million dollars and sixty million dollars .
22 There was a set of letters tied up in a bundle with a violet silk ribbon and all written in the same ridiculous and now-faded violet ink ; they were scented with old makeup ( each one bore at the bottom of its last page a lipstick kiss in Nuits de Paris ) and were on expensive and indeed pretentious notepaper as thin as an onion skin .
23 In addition 1,900,000 were on short-time and around 300,000 were commuting to jobs in western Germany ( where unemployment fell slightly by the end of February to 1,870,000 or 7 per cent of the workforce ) .
24 Langer and Graham were on 209 , O'Meara and Ian Woosnam , who plenty were tipping , were on 212 and then Sandy and Christy on 212 as well .
25 Patients admitted with an acute exacerbation of COAD and who were aged 80 or less , had an arterial PaO 2 <7.5 kPa , and an arterial PaCO 2 >6 kPa , were eligible for inclusion .
26 In the white sector , 94 per cent of primary school pupils were aged twelve or below .
27 Few under 75 had spent any time in such homes but more than half those dying when they were aged 85 or more had spent at least some of the last year of their lives in one .
28 Nor are we told that , in 1981 , only eleven individuals in every thousand of the population were aged 85 or more , and that in the year 200 1 , their number will have only increased to seventeen per thousand .
29 In Ovamboland 60 per cent of primary pupils were aged fifteen or above .
30 The thirty per cent who were women represented a doubling within a decade , but the great majority were still well into middle age — only 344 ( eighty-five men and 259 women ) were aged forty or less .
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