Example sentences of "be [prep] [art] [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 I I do n't think that 's a problem because we 're doing erm we 're doing two blocks of six and we 're onto the fourth of the first block now , but then the second block comes up in September and October , so it 's certainly in time for that .
2 Keep drawing , Ms Madelin , you 're in the best of company !
3 Keep drawing , Ms Madelin , you 're in the best of company !
4 And at the moment we 're on the ninth of this month , I received a copy today they s they sent me some material , erm they 've actually been given photographs by people like er Ansell Adams , Fay Goodwin , er David er Bailey .
5 Although today volcanoes are no longer regarded with such religious awe , their violent aspects are still widely publicized ; deservedly , since volcanic eruptions are amongst the finest of natural spectacles .
6 All hotels and guest houses listed in this brochure comply with a Tourist Charter which sets standards which are amongst the highest of any resort in Britain .
7 We are proud that Thames Water 's prices have been amongst the lowest of any of the recently privatised large water companies .
8 Plasma pepsinogen levels are above the normal of 1.0 i.u. tyrosine and usually exceed 2.0 i.u. in sheep with heavy infections .
9 ‘ Forgive me , ’ he was saying , the gentle pressure of his hand forcing her slowly back , ‘ but I am in the worst of humours , Marie .
10 ‘ And I 've been in every one of them , ’ Maidstone said .
11 For days he 'd been in the blackest of moods , furious with her for wasting herself on a man old enough to be her father , and even more furious with himself for not having taken her forcefully after that Christmas evening when he 'd known her feelings were as inflamed as his own .
12 For forty hours he had not slept , and for nine had been in the thickest of the fighting .
13 After having been in the thick of the battle for a number of years , Haslam found the transition to main board director in 1974 somewhat difficult to adjust to .
14 It was unfair , because last time he had been in the thick of the fighting when the message came , and Tuathal had fought to be beside him .
15 Please inform the parents that my brother and I are in the best of health .
16 We imagine that we are in the thick of it — especially if there are miracles , new liturgical enthusiasm and popular songs — but in reality we are in the thin of it .
17 Halstead Town are in the thick of a Jewson League Premier Division relegation battle and tonight travel to Watton Utd ( 7.45 pm ) .
18 We imagine that we are in the thick of it — especially if there are miracles , new liturgical enthusiasm and popular songs — but in reality we are in the thin of it .
19 We are in the dead of winter — sooty blackness falls by four in the afternoon .
20 For many beginners , reaching , turning and often falling is what an afternoon 's windsurfing consists of , which , although it is comforting and fun to be with the dozens of others who are doing exactly the same , does n't lead to much improvement in their sailing .
21 ‘ I prefer playing at centre half because I like to attack the ball in the air and I 'm in the thick of it more in the middle . ’
22 If the Soviet Union refuses to play that game any more , how long will it be before the poor of this great country realise that the genuine community of interest exists among themselves ?
23 I was careful to explain my own attitude to commissioned work — that in order for me to work it would have to be within the broadest of limitations .
24 also regulars in our national team like Mini Jakobsen , Sorloth and even Bjornebye ( Liverpool — has been injured and have had trouble coming back after that — but played in Liverpool 's last game ) were left out : and the papers over here concluded with : to go to the USA — you — have — to be in the first-11 of your club .
25 But by then paging will be in the thick of furious competition in mobile communications .
26 ‘ Gloves , cane and collar astonish these artists in shirt-sleeves — they have always looked on them as the insignia of feeble-mindedness … still , it 's great to be in the thick of the dog-fights of great art . ’
27 Some have described her as a 1920s version of much-admired Kate Adie , who always appears to be in the thick of things wherever the action is !
28 Regulars expected to be in the thick of things are 500cc Champion Robbie Fuller , Shaun Nichols , Neil Scopes and Adrian Mower , all from Woodbridge MCC .
29 And when Parliament eventually turned back the tide of opposition to Eyre and voted financial support to the former Governor , it was poetically appropriate that those who had been most vocal in their support for the Garotter 's Act — such as Mr Adderley and the rampant Colonel North — should be in the thick of it again , shouting their praise for Eyre 's loyalty to the Crown and his firm action that had saved a colony .
30 And once it went , he would be in the thick of it with all his weapons and a better chance than most .
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