Example sentences of "be [prep] [art] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The uncle of 12-year-old Adele Thompson — killed by a joyrider in Toxteth , Liverpool — hit out : ‘ He would n't have said it if he had been through the heartache we have suffered . ’
2 Erm certainly there are other er comments and statements that have been through the year which er should and has caused us to look at our procedures and to erm make changes where that is appropriate and I would hope that er we would continue to do so .
3 He was aware that a captain with a record such as his has a big advantage , since any troops will respond better to a leader they know has been through the fire himself , and so he knew just what he could ask of his bowlers .
4 However , I have now been through the notebook you left with me and there are a few things I wish .
5 then that and he just bring me pack of cards you know er but er that 's how it 's been for a while you know if I thought well being a sh that that 's now we 've done it it 's a pity we 've not got , mind you I mean it can go potty again in a few years .
6 If it had n't have been for the policeman there would have been untold carnage . ’
7 Not even being allowed to come and see you — if it had n't been for the Suvarovs I think I 'd have gone mad . ’
8 Mr Kinnock 's election interviews were indescribably awful and had it not been for the polls one would have assumed that they had dished Labour 's chances irrecoverably .
9 He spoke honestly , but more harshly than he would have done if it had n't been for the pain he carried .
10 If it had n't of been for the war I 'd have been a model !
11 Yet even though he got the chance to fight Mr Bush , he would not now be heading for the White House if it had not been for the disaster which hit the President a few days after that TV interview .
12 The question now is whether they will all be penalised as a result of collective inaccuracy , or if a convincing explanation will be found to persuade clients , both political and commercial , that surveys are worth the paper they are printed on .
13 ’ The people who do it even though they can afford it are the worst , but I am far more concerned about the victims — the shops than I am about the people who carry out the crime .
14 you know you sort of , you were there , I am as a trainer you were sort of digging away there getting a bit more information out about people .
15 Contemporary memoirs are as full of praise for the building 's beauty as they are for the work which took place within its walls : ‘ Its magnificence , proportions and pleasant air makes it unique among the buildings of the world , ’ wrote the chronicler Barni .
16 That 's forty five minutes , now these books , the white ones are for the tapes one to ten
17 The Red Cross/Daily Mirror Care in Crisis Awards are for the people who put others before themselves .
18 But the chances are as a customer I go back to the dealer and he says ‘ ah , you 've got a warranty , claim on that ’ .
19 Even if there never will be any easy answers to such questions , and certainly not ones which could be read off from some kind of ‘ correct analysis ’ , it is still the case that the better informed we are about the complexities which underlie them the quicker we will be able to learn from our mistakes .
20 Unfortunately , the general public is not yet as aware of these technical achievements as they are about the waste they dispose of in their dustbins each week .
21 Oh , the wheels are off the tractor I wonder where it is ?
22 Would that have been about the time you went back to the car to look for your nine iron ? ’
23 ‘ He has been worth every penny we have spent and every tear we have shed .
24 I am as I am through the choices I have made , and I will not whine at fate . ’
25 I would endorse what Ken has said , I certainly am of the view there are overriding reasons which I 'll come to in a moment for putting forward a general location , I had seen that as a central location which may or may not span more than one district .
26 There were entire countries , reigns , religions , philosophical systems , centuries , species and schools of art contained in its files , which had been of no interest whatsoever to the human race since it emptied its records , museums and libraries into their Al dump bin .
27 She went upstairs to change , thinking how proud Arnold would have been of the way she had coped with the water shortage .
28 Her superiors in pastoral studies had , on the whole , been of the opinion it was not merely officious but often dangerous to move a drunk from the place he had chosen to lie down into one where he had not .
29 We are of a generation which is in dreadful danger of being anaesthetized morally .
30 First impressions are of a bass which looks very long , with a full-size body , 24-fret neck , 34″ scale length helping to keep the low B-string commendably taut , and an elegantly-shaped five-peg headstock .
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