Example sentences of "be [prep] [noun] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For Constantine , in short , the Messiah was precisely what the Messiah had been for Jews in Palestine at the dawn of the Christian era — a ruler , a sovereign , a warrior leader like David and Solomon , who reigned wisely over a temporal realm , established unity in his domains , consolidated a nation and people with divine sanction to support him .
2 She had forgotten how fast he could move — he must have been off Chalon in seconds — but as soon as he hauled her to her feet Isabel began to struggle , swinging her free arm up .
3 Erm I 've been off work in excess of five years now er add my income has been very very small and whatever award I get will never go ahead and compensate me or my wife for what I 've been through .
4 Advertisements here are for jobs in personnel and training , selling and management , as well as technical and professional .
5 As for li , it is pattern , structure , order ; the concrete uses of the word are for veins in jade and the grain of wood .
6 Besides being ‘ colourful ’ they advertise records which I presume are for sale in Liverpool shops and various events such as the wonderful ‘ Festival of Comedy ’ .
7 Let unc If we use this for iterative premultiplication of an arbitrary column , say the summing vector , successive columns are as show in Table 1 .
8 Negotiations over pay are about changes in money wages .
9 Glycosylated haemoglobin is also a product of a nonenzymatic post-translational reaction , and its measurement has been of use in patients with diabetes mellitus as an indicator of the degree of hyperglycaemia during the preceding 8 weeks .
10 Miss Heal also stated : ‘ All the above sources of financial assistance are of course in addition to the support obligations provided for in Part III of Ontario 's Family Law Act . ’
11 The Family Law Reform Act 1959 , and the Legitimacy Act 1959 are of significance in considerations of legitimacy of birth which might arise .
12 They are of concern in terms of public health . "
13 Issues which may have looked problematical in theory can be compared to see whether they are of consequence in practice .
14 A modern definition of a herb could be any plant , generally aromatic or fragrant , whose parts , whether leaf , flower , seed or root , are of use in food flavouring , medicine , household and cosmetics .
15 they 're for sale in America , Australia , Canada
16 Are you the type who wants to go up to , you 're on holiday in Spain , go up to a Spaniard go hola
17 ‘ They 're on vacation in Hawaii at the moment .
18 In use , they 're at home in cavity walls , solid walls , single skin walls , and internal walls , whether built in brick , block or stone .
19 A customer asked Sarah if her brother had been near Guernica in Spain when bombs were dropped on it from aeroplanes .
20 Put forward the idea that " answers " are like hypotheses in science which have to be tested and tried out and replaced by better ones if necessary , but the testing has to be appropriate to the subject-matter .
21 The Israelites in Numbers 11 are like foxes in God 's chicken run .
22 ( Matthew S. is very worried about creative writing , or any kind of writing , really … prefers practical things … has never been above average in language all his school life .
23 We are above target in housekeeping .
24 We are above target in quality .
25 Most top managers are above average in intelligence ( numeric and verbal reasoning ) but are not in the genius class .
26 Comparable tokamaks to JET are under construction in Japan and the United States .
27 Her solicitor said : ‘ Legal proceedings are under way in Guernsey . ’
28 Already , with the agreement of Lead Bodies , SVQs composed of National Certificate Modules have been accredited in the Agriculture , Forestry , Floristry , Hairdressing , and Administrative/Business/Clerical areas and developments are under way in Caring .
29 Where intensive negotiations on a proposal are under way in Brussels , Parliament may be informed of the latest developments shortly before the critical Council — thus placing a new reserve on the proposal even if an earlier draft has previously been cleared — but if a compromise satisfactory to United Kingdom interests emerges , the minister will wish to agree , and to make his peace with Parliament later .
30 Others are under consideration in Frome and Heston , Cornwall .
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