Example sentences of "be [noun sg] [prep] me [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I dare not spend another farthing , and it would be suicide for me to go to the bank , even if Richard agreed , which he wo n't . ’
2 Let me straight away , er , that it might be folly of me to assume that er , you know a great deal about I B M. By the way I B M stands for International Business Machines , not as , some people used to think , International Ballistic Missiles .
3 ‘ It 'll be time for me to go and collect Maria soon — ‘
4 When the time comes an' I ca n't lift a hundredweight of sugar or me old black pan , then it 'll be time for me to retire upstairs for good . ’
5 It 'll soon be time for me to write again .
6 It would be madness for me to refuse you through hurt pride when all I want to do is be with you , as I have just found out . ’
7 At this point there is need for me to give some detail about the shape and nature of the primary curriculum to which all children should have access .
8 ‘ Maybe it is time for me to get angry and fight back at those who are fighting me , ’ she said .
9 ‘ It 's time for me to go .
10 The 26-year-old is guarded about his physical and mental fatigue , but he says pointedly : ‘ It 's time for me to relax . ’
11 ‘ Nevertheless , she declares she 's taking over as hostess — so obviously it 's time for me to leave . ’
12 ‘ Now that I 've eaten and drunk my fill it 's time for me to beat away , ’ he said after about an hour .
13 Or say ‘ It 's time for me to run along —
14 Yes , well probably , it 's time for me to try and change his mind .
15 They look out of the windows when it 's time for me to come home .
16 I 've got to go now as it 's time for me to get my new dresses fitted .
17 All he did was yell at me to get out of his trailer . ’
18 At the end of the season Chapman called me in and said it was time for me to decide one way or the other .
19 It was time for me to go .
20 The half-hour eventually crawled round , then it was time for me to go and get ready .
21 eyes on before and when it was time for me to go to bed I would be encouraged not made
22 After six years it was time for me to move on to Debenham High School .
23 I knew when I woke that it was time for me to return .
24 We had several until I decided that it was time for me to sit on her lap .
25 Then it was time for me to attend the evening reception on Britania .
26 Once I grasped the centrality of symbolism to the religion and grasped its effect , it was time for me to leave .
27 It was time for me to disappear .
28 ‘ I believed her when she assured me I would meet someone much more suitable when it was time for me to get married . ’
29 I could see that it was time for me to make the tea .
30 Standing up , I assured her that I was n't drunk but tired and that I thought it was time for me to walk her home .
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