Example sentences of "be [noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , what I 'm askin' you to do now is to get on your feet and go and get me a drop of gin and a couple of pints of beer . ’
2 Mr Chairman , if decent people find it necessary er to kill animals they believe be vermin they do n't dress up in red coats and call them pink and er charge er , er , er , about er drinking st stirrup cups and tooting horns , er they go out and kill the vermin , it 's a necessary job that has to be done and of course , er there are many ways in which foxes could be killed without cruelty if it is necessary to kill them .
3 You 'll provide us with sufficient entries so that the people who are man it get in and car parking .
4 Whether it were coat she had on or not
5 So there could have been conversation I did n't pick up — scrambled by the radio . ’
6 If that 's misogyny I do n't what misogyny is !
7 ‘ Yeah , that 's cuz they come out th'gates an ’ hightailed it up the road .
8 Most recent of course , is euthanasia it does n't draw the line at killing foxes I had this terrible vision in the early hours this morning , of Ron closing all our elderly persons ' homes , pushing all the old people out onto the street and the hunt with at its head hunting them down the countryside .
9 So , if it comes out as one , one squared is one so you 've accounted for a hundred percent or all of the variants in the other variable which means that if you know X you automatically know Y , or if you know Y you automatically know X. When you 're doing a correlation study , it 's very hard to work out what 's the dependent and what 's the independent variable because by it 's nature you do n't know .
10 ‘ It 's shame she ran so badly , but at least we know why . ’
11 ‘ It is Burun I do not trust . ’
12 Yeah but there 's stuff you put on before you got ta paint a certain square amount of area
13 They are warm and but it 's colour I do n't know whether I perhaps if I saw cream again this year I might buy it but erm I 'm not sure that I want to when this deep orangy colour .
14 We had dinner hours ago , and any way how could you get ill when all we had is stuff we 've always had ?
15 ‘ All they know is stuff I made up . ’
16 ( And for those clever dicks asking why I 've given it a higher rating here than in the footy feature , it 's 'coz I did n't know it was on budget then .
17 I 'll be telling most some of the tales about that time , and then the other tales will be about what happened to me in sixty nine when I started up , because the changing legislation s more or less said that if you had a vehicle of thirty hundredweight or less you could move an er wh whoever 's furniture you liked anywhere you wanted to .
18 If it 's pasta she comes here and asks us to cook it for her .
19 Or perhaps it is Claudine you do not like ? ’
20 It is time we took up the second of my headings , language as screen .
21 It is time we gave up these reservations in work organizations .
22 It is time we invested seriously in education and training and stopped letting this misery grow worse and worse . ’
23 ‘ It is time they showed up and faced the music , ’ he said .
24 I have had a wonderful 10 years , but the financial pressures are mounting and it is time I moved on . ’
25 ‘ Maybe it really is time I settled down , ’ he said , holding her at arm 's length and smudging her tears away with his thumb .
26 Yes , it is time I settled down , grew up .
27 ‘ It really is time he got on with running his own business and let us run ours .
28 Liberal leader Paddy Ashdown believes it is time she coughed up .
29 Whereas your letters indicate that loyal subjects who have previously supported the Monarchy now feel that mistakes need to be acknowledged and if Her Majesty is not to be seen as hopelessly out of touch and out of date it is time she stood up and publicly said sorry .
30 ‘ I think it 's time we had further words with our porter friend . ’
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