Example sentences of "be [conj] it does [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Advantages of fructosamine are that it does not depend on the haemoglobin level and it will probably be considerably cheaper .
2 The consensus of modern liberal thinking has been that it does not ; it has preferred to stress the " inherently pluralistic and diverse " nature of modern societies , and the consequent need to reach a consensus or compromise among the various competing interests and groups within society .
3 It 's any ancient domestic breed , one of many in eastern Asia , and it main attributes seem to be that it does n't eat much , it grows up quickly , and it 's almost pure lard .
4 The difference would be that it does not offer a critique by positioning itself outside ‘ the West ’ , but rather uses its own alterity and duplicity in order to effect its deconstruction .
5 But given the fact that names in such cases do behave as rigid designators , the question is , does the referential rigidity provide a sufficient criterion for distinguishing names from descriptions , and the answer to this clearly must be that it does not .
6 No , I think that might be because it does n't include the welding grants , but even so , let's have a look at , down here
7 But it is although it does n't sound like her .
8 Thus we have Macdonald reporting on the " almost unanimous chorus of opinion that women 's work as compositors is so inferior to men 's that it does not pay in the long run " ( the chorus in question being from employers ) But the testimony of individual employers is far from unanimous or even consistent .
9 ‘ It 's that it does n't suit you .
10 The difficulty is that it does not , one does not — not in one 's art , not in one 's life .
11 The first thing to notice about functionalism is that it does not fare any better than behaviourism in providing an account of what it is that V knows and BS does not , for BS could know all about V 's functional or covertly behavioural states ; so there is no lack of knowledge that his deficit could consist in .
12 What is good about the current production is that it does not seek to tilt the play either way : it allows us to decide where we stand .
13 But the trouble with climate modification of the sort imposed by the greenhouse effect is that it does not move naturally to a new , warmer status quo which will remain undisturbed for the next thousand years or so .
14 The only difference between its policies and those of CND proper is that it does not campaign directly for Britain 's withdrawal from Nato .
15 Labour has the culture of a Utopian party ; the strength of the Conservative Party is that it does not .
16 The problem with this letter , apart from the fact that the only copy available is unsigned , is that it does not agree with the timescale of events .
17 An alternative line of defence offered by the National Bank for its failure to curb inflation ( EP , 10 November 1986 ) is that it does not have the power to prevent the money supply from growing faster than its planned rate .
18 The major advantage of this method is that it does not depend on the calculation of MNI , which at best is an unreliable estimate of the true numbers of individuals in a sample .
19 A further difficulty with s.92(1) ( d ) is that it does not apply to emissions from premises not used for a trade , business , manufacture or process .
20 One of the objections frequently made about CAI is that it does not permit student-student interaction .
21 When it comes to making practical use of this new technology , one of the important aspects of acoustic reflectivity is that it does not always paint the same picture as does light .
22 A characteristic feature of the placebo effect is that it does not last all that long : it is usually only a matter of weeks , and two to six months is about the most that can be expected : If a patient responds to a new treatment and is still well after a year , it is unlikely to be a placebo effect .
23 Although one of gold 's most prized qualities is that it does not tarnish easily , it deserves to be treated with respect .
24 Indeed , one of the attractions of Madeira is that it does not outwardly appear to be specifically geared to tourism .
25 It seems sometimes to be supposed that what is commendable about a communicative approach to language teaching is that it does not , as a structural approach does , have to get learners to puzzle their heads with grammar .
26 The outstanding feature of black parents ' relationship with their children 's sport is that it does not exist .
27 The whole character of faith is that it does not rest on itself , nor on what can be seen as an extension of itself , but on what is quite other than itself , by which its own emptiness is filled .
28 A less elevated but similar claim was made by Eudes II in a letter written to King Robert : ‘ If it is a question of the nature of the benefice you gave me , the fact is that it does not come from your domain , but from the estates which come to me with your consent by hereditary right from my ancestors . ’
29 The error in the phenomenological approach of Berger is that it does not allow him to see that one of the social processes which affects the success of some theories , in terms of their historical effects , is precisely the process of rational discussion and truth-testing which occurs in science .
30 A criticism of Fitzmaurice 's analysis is that it does not answer the crucial question of why such an objective regime should have any effect on third parties .
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