Example sentences of "be [conj] a [noun] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 The result has been that a century which has seen so much development in terms of resources and method in historical research , has also seen a recurrent historical scepticism in theology .
2 It may therefore be that a clause which wholly negates one party 's promise will never be given effect ; even if this is not the case , the court will be extremely reluctant to interpret the clause in that way and clear words will be needed to have that effect .
3 Indeed , the lesson of 1979 may be that a government which can not be certain of winning a vote of confidence in the Commons would be well advised to call an election .
4 It appears to be that an agency which has an explicit power or duty to achieve a certain end , ( e.g. good race relations ) , can not exercise it in such a way as to disadvantage a person , unless that person has committed an independent breach of the common law or statute .
5 So what this example shows is that a sentence which seems to contain one assertion can turn out to contain many different assertions , some in the form of presuppositions .
6 but does n't that bring us back you see to clause nine , erm , is , is , is that a clause which erm which you 're , you 're suggesting is anti competitive because er agents might compete with er each other as to what if any funds they might want to pull down , or
7 Are the any weapons er which the aircraft er would not be able to , for example the J P two three three closely associated with the tornado , er is that a system which you would anticipate Eurofighter two thousand to be able to carry ?
8 I i is that a mistake which i did I get them
9 What you 're really saying is that a society which is perhaps stable , certainly better , is one in which there 's a fair degree of moderation and a fair degree of evenness in terms of
10 Ah yes , the second point was , is that a consideration which is determines location in strategic terms ?
11 When you come to think about it , how amazing it is that a singer whose recording career lasted only seven years ( where Decca is concerned ) could produce enough material to fill ten CDs even allowing for the addition of much off-the-air material , and excluding Das Lied von der Erde , the Klemperer Kindertotenlieder and Mahler 's Second , and Brahms 's Liebesliederwalzer , the last three just issued on three further discs in Decca 's Historic series .
12 His conclusion is that a religion which counts its success by numbers of converts is suspect .
13 The key point , to repeat it , is that a parasite whose genes aspire to the same destiny as the genes of its host shares all the interests of its host and will eventually cease to act parasitically .
14 What I find uncanny here is that a book which begins with a mocking suggestion about the literary critic as shaman , ends with a story in which Shakespeare is used by an explorer pretending to be a shaman among willing believers convinced of his power .
15 What does seem likely , at least in part , is that a practice which began in the Sixties — distinguishing themselves from their left-leaning peers through a pose of premature reactionism — has since become an indistinguishable part of their character .
16 Now one of the things that sex one of the consequences of sex is that a population which reproduces sexually can evolve more rapidly than a population erm which reproduces asexually .
17 What generally happens in practice is that an applicant whose total score is above a certain level would normally get credit automatically .
18 The outcome is that an industry which has skilfully managed to convert a chemical with meagre medical justification and considerable potential for harm ( Grinspoon and Hedblom 1975 ) into a legitimate drug , remained free from federal control to go on manufacturing , distributing , and advertising it .
19 ( As we explained in Chapter 6 , this is because a word which is highly predictable from the syntactic and semantic context can be detected more quickly than a word which is less predictable . )
20 Shortly stated , the main issue is whether a school which is over-subscribed so that it can not accept all the applications for admission can adopt religious criteria ( i.e. criteria intended to preserve the character of the school ) in selecting the successful applicants for admission and thereby exempt itself under section 6(3) ( a ) from the duty under section 6(2) to give effect to the preferences expressed by parents whose children do not meet such criteria .
21 What was made equally clear was that a solution which is realistic , lasting , and just is still awaited .
22 It was an attitude of mind which had existed long before the sixteenth century ; the great change was that an attitude which could be found in a number of separate societies was suddenly turned by the expansion of Europe into a force that altered the way that the whole world ran its affairs .
23 The irony was that an episode which offered proof of Morrissey 's distrust of established institutions now elevated The Smiths to an almost legendary status .
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