Example sentences of "be [conj] [pers pn] 's [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Counterfeiting is a multi million pound industry and all the signs are that it 's growing at an alarming rate .
2 And are you confident when you give a weather forecast that the chances are that it 's going to be correct , or do you do it with a slight feeling of uneasiness ?
3 Just think what the reaction might have been if she 's responded by saying she had no plans to quit .
4 But surely it it 's happened that it 's getting er and and I touch wood I do n't know how superstitious you are but it 's getting better and better and better for you each time because when you came here ooh some years ago since you first came into this studio er you were pretty popular then but it seems to increase all the time does n't it ?
5 He tells me to stay where I am because he 's coming to fetch me .
6 Well I just feel no matter sentence he serves he 's always going to be that he 's left my daughter with a life sentence .
7 Michelle knows all too well how lengthy the legal process can be and she 's relieved her case is at last being heard .
8 If she does well , it 'll be because she 's worked for it .
9 Purely from a financial perspective , have you any idea how much more valuable the cottage will be when it 's known to be one of Piers 's creations ? ’
10 it must be when she 's coming .
11 because the obviously danger 's that it 's snapping the dowels and it 's which , it what happened on , on the case of the two dowels in n it ?
12 Meanwhile , former Pink Floyd member Roger Waters has attacked Madonna in the most recent issue of Details magazine : ‘ What 's extraordinary about Madonna is that she 's made all these rotten records , and she 's this awful , ugly , dull person who — by virtue of the fact that she 's completely fearless and shameless and blatant and cheap and bad — has become successful , ’ he says .
13 My only sorrow is that she 's turned out so fair .
14 Yes I am the outcome of it all is that she 's waiting on the wall , getting piles and I 'm going to go down the shop with her .
15 and they confirm that Dreadnought has been officially classed as a wreck , and what 's worse , I 'm afraid , is that she 's lying near enough to the shipping channels for them , to quote their letter , to exercise their statutory powers and remove her by means of salvage craft . "
16 ‘ All I worry about is that she 's going to come back . ’
17 His story is that she 's walked out on him , but there are one or two suspicious circumstances .
18 What is being said is that it 's intended to keep what 's regarded as a highly successful regime going on existing lines .
19 What I 'm trying to say is that it 's providing for people already here that I think should be a major item of population policy , and doing it not in a massive world sense , or even a country , but in particular areas as well .
20 The reason it ends up swallowing and eating everything is that it 's seen as the only choice .
21 The IS coordinator , for example , suggested that : the only problem is that it 's developing too fast .
22 So , all that you need to think , to remember things like , do n't , is that it 's do not , and you 've got to put the apostrophe in where the letter 's been missed .
23 Jamila said , ‘ What I 've agreed with myself is that it 's going to be tonight , at midnight , when I decide what to do .
24 The short answer is that it 's going to be tough on your new family .
25 The difference the benefit to this er the advertising here is that it 's going to be repeat .
26 in which he says that erm the more convinced that she is that it 's going to be fatal in its operation , the more determined apparently she is that Adam shall share .
27 What 's really moved me over the last three or four years , as AIDS has become a major threat in this country , and especially since spring 1985 with the rising public hysteria about it , is that it 's brought out tremendous reserves of strength in lesbians and gay men which show the importance of the achievements of the previous fifteen years .
28 The difficulty I think that we 're facing , is that it 's happening in year two of a four year transition period , before we 've really got to grips with what the long-term position is , what the overall demands are , and to what degree we are going to be able to model , change , control and , and influence those demands .
29 What makes this campaign unusual is that it 's backed by a major brewery , Courage .
30 The good news I hear from feminist friends is that it 's becoming old hat these days to involve the father in childbirth .
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