Example sentences of "be [conj] [be] not a " in BNC.

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1 Although we 're working er all the time to keep security as tight as we can at the John Radcliffe , er the scheme is going to give us the ability to challenge members of staff , legitimate members of staff , as we currently do , er and they will then have to provide , produce the card , er so we can then assess whether they are or are not a member of staff .
2 Whether gossip , bickering and family feuds were or were not a more prevalent feature than a wholesome communion of the population could vary from village to village and is ultimately a matter of subjective judgement .
3 They do have a medical examination as part of the process of coming here and in the course of that medical examination it is sometimes disclosed that a woman is or is not a virgin , and that is sometimes noted on the medical report and from time to time some ECO 's have used that piece of evidence in making a decision about the relationship of the wife ; I have always condemned it and by and large it does not happen .
4 Since marriage is essentially a relationship between man and woman , the validity of the marriage depends … on whether the respondent [ Miss Ashley ] is or is not a woman …
5 A fourth and very important influence on the rate of recorded crime is the effect of changes in the law , which may lead to an alteration in the definition of what is or is not a crime .
6 Moreover , ‘ structural ’ relations between them can be clarified , by showing for instance that this computation is or is not a necessary prerequisite or accompaniment of that one .
7 Like the term ‘ deindustrialization ’ , the term ‘ services ’ is open to a number of interpretations and it is important to be aware of some of the different uses of the term before turning to the question of whether Britain is or is not a service economy .
8 The term ‘ professional ’ will thus be used in a looser way than would be indicated by the conceptual analysis of what is or is not a profession .
9 Thus a fifth-century Thessalian inscription uses the phrase ‘ whether under a tagia or in an atagia ’ , that is , whether there is or is not a tagos ( Syll. 55 and ZPE , 1980 , p. 272 ) .
10 Since there seems to be some doubt about the matter , it should be made clear that the High Court 's inherent jurisdiction in relation to children — the parens patriae jurisdiction — is equally exercisable whether the child is or is not a ward of court : see In re M. and N. ( Minors ) ( Wardship : Publication of Information ) [ 1990 ] Fam. 211 , 223G .
11 The difficulty in the case of shares is to fit them into any normal legal category ; but one is unlikely to be left in doubt whether something is or is not a share .
12 Although such examination might improve the drafting of the rule books — and that would be ( procedurally ) beneficial — it could have the unfortunate and fundamental consequence of inducing tribunals to determine what is or is not a fair dismissal by reference to what has been agreed between the parties instead of by the yardstick laid down by Parliament .
13 If the English artist Mark Quinn can get his own head , cast in his own frozen blood , on display in the Saatchi Gallery in London ; if the Italian papers can be filled with agitated articles about whether ‘ a cardboard box covered in cloth , with bits of cardboard , bone glue , red pen , tempera and oil paint ’ , until recently exhibited at the Brera Academy in Milan , is or is not an authentic , therefore meaningful , work by the shamanesque German , Joseph Beuys ; if Duchamp 's own famous urinal of 1917 can grace the Palazzo Grassi in Venice as from this month , then surely there is room for those centuries-old objects of ancient devotion to be resurrected as the focus of the new cult .
14 First you must cut out the airy speculation inside the brackets , then you must examine in what ways this is and is not a new kind of play , and then rephrase juvenilian , which at present totters between juvenile and some reference to that difficult writer of Roman satires , Juvenal , who may be an influence on Marston , but hardly on Shakespeare .
15 Precise definition of what is and is not a legitimate purpose is probably not possible , but the fact that we live in a competitive or acquisitive society has led English law , for better or worse , to adopt the test of self-interest or selfishness as being capable of justifying the deliberate doing of lawful acts which inflict harm .
16 Are there any questions that people would , would like to ask , er I think it 's a very important paper , er important also because as most of you know it was all these new technologies and new drug treatments and things like that that are coming in , an awful lot of rather easy criteria are being used to , to look at the , the various things , and I think that 's why there 's a lot of confusion about what is and is not a good method of treatment .
17 Following this , a single probe letter was presented to one or other visual half-field and the subject 's task was to respond , using the left hand , as fast as possible to indicate whether the visually presented letter was or was not a member of the auditorily presented memory set .
18 The whole er test of whether this was or was not a successful proposal , was whether you marry the environment and the economy , and sadly it has n't been married , and sadly the Treasury has yet again won .
19 For example : In the event that any person or persons who was or were not a member or members of the Company on the date of the adoption of these Articles ( " the Acquiring Member " ) either alone or in concert ( as such expression is defined in the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers ) with any other person(s) , shall become beneficially entitled to more than [ 50 ] % of the issued Ordinary Share Capital of the Company after the date of adoption of these Articles he shall forthwith be required to serve notice on each of the holders of the Ordinary Share Capital of the Company that he is so beneficially entitled and shall thereupon be bound to offer to purchase the remaining shares in the Ordinary Share Capital of the Company at a price per share ( " the Acquisition Price " ) equal to the highest price per share paid by the Acquiring Member for such shares in the Company acquired by him .
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