Example sentences of "be [conj] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 When he finally left the bikes , he ambled down to the stream just where we had been and sat in the water to cool off .
2 As a language user you may start from a position of ‘ innocent egotism ’ , whereby you assume that others are like you and share your assumptions , or you can start by trying to assume what the addressee 's terms of reference are and continue in a circular process of mutual discovery .
3 The volume name should be that supplied in the first answer and the volume number should be the extension supplied at the end of the volume name in the HC FORMATTER 's end of run statistics .
4 The client must consent in writing to his money being placed in such an account after a proper opportunity to consider that information ; ( 8 ) If the firm has any ground ( other than the absence of an acknowledgement as described above ) for believing that client money held in a particular bank account outside the UK will not be protected as effectively as it would be if held in a free money bank account in the UK ; ( 9 ) If the firm proposes not to pay interest on client money in accordance with the client money regulations .
5 The certificate must be signed by the transferor ( which it will be if included in the conveyance/transfer ) or by his solicitors or duly authorised agent .
6 How can it be consistent — perhaps the Prime Minister will answer the question now , since he did not answer the Leader of the Opposition — for the Prime Minister 's policy to be as expressed in the statement but for that policy to be opposed to a comprehensive test ban treaty ?
7 He can not be as dominating in the air as a 6ft.4in goalkeeper .
8 If the rate remains at the current rate of 25% ( which is currently equal to the basic rate of Income Tax ) the benefit will be as outlined in the Introduction .
9 The four outcomes that can result are taken to be as labelled in the Box ( over page ) .
10 If they are to be understood they must be as shown in the Highway Code .
11 ( 2 ) The proceedings to be taken on each of those sittings shall be as shown in the second column , and shall be brought to a conclusion at the time specified in the third column , of the following Table —
12 ( 2 ) The proceedings to be taken on each of those days shall be as shown in the second column , and shall be brought to a conclusion at the time specified in the third column , of the following Table —
13 With effect from Jan. 1 , 1991 , the weightings were to be as shown in the table .
14 The desirability of ‘ tying up ’ a settlement in one parcel sometimes give rise to a problem for the parliamentary agent in drafting the legislation , the question being whether to put in a protective clause at the outset , or to omit it and negotiate a settlement of such a clause for insertion at a later stage .
15 The women named in the three Gospels were as shown in the table below .
16 Experimental conditions were as described in the legend to Figure 5 .
17 This procedure , which is that adopted in the model described above , is quite legitimate ; it does however underline the limitations of confining attention to equilibrium paths .
18 But what is less often pointed out is that Anselm in The Proslogion also defines God as ‘ greater than can be thought to exist ’ .
19 As it happens , the only ethical guide which is relatively clear , though still very general , is that contained in a brief statement made by Pope Pius XII 20 years ago .
20 A less strongly related argument is that contained in a version of the ‘ insider-outsider ’ accounts of unemployment ( see Linbeck and Snower 1986 ) .
21 It does suggest that the only information the discourse analyst has access to is that contained in the text of a discourse fragment .
22 One important default power is that contained in the Housing Act , 1980 , which can be brought into effect whenever the minister considers that tenants are having difficulty in exercising their right to buy a council property ‘ effectively and expeditiously ’ .
23 The former is that contained in the UK Data Protection Act .
24 Its effect is that states in the tails of the distribution N(e) become traps that confine electrons to limited regions of the semiconductor .
25 The oddest is that used in the fourteenth century by the English historian Adam of Murimuth .
26 Its pungent and spicy flavour is unmistakable , and the oil obtained from the plant is that used in the manufacture of spearmint chewing-gum .
27 The numbering is that used in the experiment .
28 What we can say instead , unmysteriously , is that putting in the coin , like every other putting-in of a coin , activated the indeterministic mechanism .
29 What they find in reality is that working in the Middle East presents a different range of management problems of multinational workforces , and the range of contract locations , anywhere from a city base to remote desert or off-shore .
30 One of the most innovative systems is that found in the optical mouse used with the Xerox Star business computer .
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