Example sentences of "be [adv] well know [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It might be doubted whether Ragnvald 's sons , who were first put forward as Cnut 's opponents at Holy River long ago , would have been sufficiently well known in England for the Chronicle entry to be readily intelligible , but this is not certain , and an annalist naming leaders of large Swedish forces may have thought it obvious that they were Swedes themselves .
2 Firstly , geography alone means foreign traders are less well known to one another because of the distances involved , e.g. a Brazilian exporter despatching goods to Singapore .
3 BEAUMARCHAIS 's comedies are less well known in this country ( though still popular with the Comedie Francais ) than the operas derived from them , Rossini 's The Barber Of Seville and Mozart 's The Marriage of Figaro .
4 The largest-selling newspapers in Britain are owned by swashbuckling businessmen who do not hesitate to interfere with the editorial content of their papers and whose personal politics are so well known to all their staff that the proprietors can set the political tone of their employees ' work without crude , direct , and explicit interference .
5 By far the rarest type of post-medieval coffin is the gable-lidded tapered shape ; this is frustrating , especially as they are so well known in contemporary art from the fourteenth through to the seventeenth centuries .
6 Since this is one aspect of the " ongoing negotiation " and preferences of " newcomers " to the interaction can not be assumed at the outset , the circumstances which will most favour a speedy agreement to use Creole are those where there are few participants — ideally the minimum , two — and these individuals are already well known to each other , and known to favour Creole .
7 Cook 's innovations are already well known at a general level , with the inclusive guided tour and the traveller 's cheque system being perhaps the best known .
8 Miscue analysis entails a systematic record and evaluation of children 's ‘ errors ’ when reading aloud from texts which are not well known to them and which are not at their reading frustration level .
9 You may think that there were quite a lot of us , but illegal hare coursers are not well known for verbal or physical reticence .
10 You 're so well known for the ES295 Gibson guitar that it became dubbed the ‘ Scotty Moore ’ model , but you did n't use that guitar all the time , did you ?
11 Epic have been fabulous ; they 're much better known for the Michael Jacksons and George Michaels of this world , but they 've been really helpful to me … ’
12 The best child-minders are usually well known in the area and come recommended by friends or colleagues .
13 Let's face it , your brothers are more well known on their own turf-than around this way .
14 Gorillas , dolphins and whales certainly have a reputation for being peace-loving and harmless to humans but , on the other hand , tigers and polar bears are both well known as potential man-eaters , while elephants can hardly be described as innocuous , even if they prefer to mind their own business most of the time .
15 S&S are also well known for their Anti-Virus Toolkit , the industry standard package for dealing with this new threat .
16 Trials of this kind were not uncommon in ancient times , and they are also well known from Africa and India .
17 He is probably right , too , in thinking that she would be far better known in art historical terms had she stayed in France , where her daring move into abstraction was more appreciated , than returning dutifully to the provincial inertia of Dublin .
18 Nearly two-thirds of the works which they have selected did not feature in the major retrospective surveys organised by the Tate Gallery in 1985 and by the Hirshhorn Museum , Washington , and the Metropolitan Museum , New York , in 1989–90 , and will not , as a result , be particularly well known outside the circles of scholarship and Bacon 's dealers .
19 Yes , I had forgotten ; you must get someone else , and if you 're worrying about my career I 'll remind you I 'm quite well known in the fashion world and a few weeks ’ absence wo n't hurt me in the least . ’
20 After all , I 'm tolerably well known in some circles .
21 Remember that I used to be very well known for sports shots .
22 Pavlov , Thorndike and Skinner are particularly well known for their research in this field of psychology , though Pavlov himself was a physiologist .
23 Although in retrospect it might seem a vain hope to disguise ourselves as a motor yacht , we were not well known in the area and there were , after all , quite a few converted HDML 's about in those days , so we removed a few obvious identification marks from the ship including our uniforms , flew the red ensign and settled down to wait .
24 The details of his work were not well known within the US embassy in Rabat .
25 Gassendi 's empiricist views on the derivation of our ideas from sense-experience , on natural philosophy and its foundation in carefully considered observation , and his stress on the explanatory value of Epicurean atomism , were already well known to Hobbes and others when they were formally introduced into England via the publication , in 1654 , of Walter Charleton 's Physiologia Epicuro-gassendo-Charltonia : a Fabrick of Science Natural upon the Hypothesis of Atoms , Founded by Epicurus , Repaired by Petrus Gassendus , Augmented by Walter Charleton .
26 Most of them dealt with love and passion and violent death , and the subjects were already well known to the crowds from newspaper reports .
27 They were also well known for cricketing flannels and white doeskins , as well as more usual products .
28 Most of the coastal details of these islands were fairly well known to the hydrographers of both the British and Dutch navies , but little was known about their inland geography .
29 I had progressed to Golas , which were quite well known in the seventies .
30 The mystical writings of the fifth century author who had adopted the pseudonym Dionysius the Areopagite were quite well known in Europe , even though they never had the same appeal for Europeans as they had for the Greeks .
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