Example sentences of "be [adv] that [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Reality Therapy involves confronting the sufferer with the reality of life as perceived by others and helping him or her gradually to change the perception of how life should be so that it comes nearer to how life actually is .
2 . There has n't been one game we 've been there that he has n't or both of them have n't .
3 Afterwards Jared Tunstall had said to her mama , ‘ It was a question of a little hustler meeting a big one , and if it were n't that he has hurt Sally-Anne so badly I could almost admire the swine for his gall .
4 It is rather that he realigns fantasy and fact by using a set of ready-made and entirely artificial rules governing talking animals to explore the workings of a no less unnatural , controlled and rigidly inhuman system .
5 Whenever in relation to a loved person , idealized place or personal indulgence I find myself pushing out of mind some disagreeable thought , its relevance ( as distinct from its importance ) is not in doubt ; it is enough that it does spontaneously move me against what I have decided for .
6 It does not matter whether the party accepting the consideration has any apparent benefit thereby or not : it is enough that he accepts it , and that the party giving it does thereby undertake some burden , or lose something which in contemplation of law may be of value .
7 Now here is John Templeton , secretary of the STA : In framing the piece scale in printing , you have to frame the scale so that it covers everything , that is so that it covers what we call " extras " as well .
8 I mean it 's enough that he pays lipservice to it now which you know would n't have even been recognised .
9 The wonder is perhaps that he has time to do any writing and research at all after running two companies — Pluto Press ( Australia ) and PR agency Social Change Media — and with partner Stephanie Dowrick , also a writer , bringing up two children .
10 It is thus that he declares himself for Dunning 's sapphics , flashing out at ‘ any one who can not feel the beauty of their melody ’ ( my italics ) .
11 The point is not that everyone needs property to be free ; some people have little or no property but are not necessarily any the less free as a result .
12 It is not that he does n't care , just that his sense of values are different — not better , not worse , just different .
13 ‘ It is not that he minds , ’ her mother said , wearily , as always , explaining and defending her husband to their daughter .
14 Our charge against the metaphysician is not that he attempts to employ the understanding in a field where it can not possibly venture , but that he produces sentences which fail to conform to the conditions under which alone a sentence can be literally significant .
15 Still , it is not that he wants biologists to give them more credit for maintaining the planet .
16 The individualistic bias that Rawls is accused of by Nagel is not that he rules out such conceptions but that he is not neutral regarding them because he makes their successful pursuit more difficult than that of individualistic conceptions of the good .
17 It is not that he lies about them , rather that only a patient and omnivorous prospector would have found the particular treasures which he quotes .
18 ( Smart , 1959 ; Armstrong , 1968 , 1980 ; Lewis , 1966 , 1972 ) What is distinctive about this view is not that it takes the episodes of consciousness to stand in such causal relations .
19 The upshot is a version of what is known as preference utilitarianism , for which what counts in favour of an act is not that it promotes a kind of experience known as pleasure or prevents a kind of experience called pain , but that it provides people with what they would prefer to have and prevents their having what they would prefer not to have .
20 It is not that it has a design stamped on it , since once again it is not difficult to find other examples of metalwork decorated in a similar way .
21 THE extraordinary thing about Laura Ashley is not that it has been dragged back from the financial brink ; it is that it was ever pushed there in the first place .
22 What is theoretically and politically interesting and puzzling is not that it has been defended by the powerful and the better-off sections of the community but that it has been so widely accepted by those who suffer as a result of its continuance .
23 In the case of Charles the Bald , though , given the rich documentation , and the giants ' spadework , the surprising thing ( to invert Dr Johnson on women preachers ) is not that it 's been done badly , but that — with two partial exceptions — it has not been done at all .
24 The natural way to interpret the EPR experiment is not that it shows up the incompleteness of quantum theory but that it manifests the falsity of naive locality .
25 It is not that she possesses dazzling charm or an especially brilliant intellect , but he enjoys her company so long as he thinks their friendship is platonic .
26 It is not that she does not know what to say , it is that there is not enough time to say all she knows .
27 It is not that she believes this evolving female corporate future has yet been reflected by numbers of women employed at senior levels but that it is inevitable it will do so during the next decade .
28 And it is not that she knows me to be bad or weak , or you either , but her conventional mind could not grasp that a thing so often impure , can be made absolutely and perfectly pure .
29 It is just that one learns to be careful , particularly if one is a writer .
30 It is just that one needs to be careful to interpret the segments according to the product strategy being employed .
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