Example sentences of "be [adv] [v-ing] [adv] their " in BNC.

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1 The fact that they are still here when our local birds are already displaying over their territories reinforces this , because the Arctic spring is still a couple of months away .
2 They are just carrying out their life in accordance with the rules given them , as all ‘ people ’ including Chewong do .
3 In addition , there are many other disciplines — philosophy , psychology and psychiatry , sociology and anthropology , Artificial Intelligence , media studies , literary studies — which often examine their object of study — the mind , society , other cultures , computers , the media , works of literature — through language , and are thus carrying out their own discourse analysis , very often some of the best .
4 That 's not unusual , because I quite often find that one partner 's not working and therefore they 're not using up their tax allowance so at retirement or before , I can move money into their name , and there are good reasons for doing that .
5 Unless they 're out carrying out their inspections but at least the administrator 's there , she will help all she possibly can in the absence of the fire safety officer .
6 Erm because we 've got a printing system for the school th they 're , they 're now letting out their printing services to others in the community .
7 You might get the o , the odd one or two that are always looking out their windows and lo , they would do that in any case .
8 As we go to press , however , LEAs are still drawing up their formulae and submitting them to the DES for approval .
9 More than seventy-five years later , we are still working out their implications and trying to combine them in a unified theory that will describe everything in the universe .
10 But the black clouds are still there , as latest figures from the Bank of England show that people are still paying off their debts and saving , not spending .
11 Some employers , faced by likely future compulsion ( under EC law ) to include part-timers within occupational pension schemes where full-timers are eligible , are now taking up their rights under the Social Security Act 1986 to provide money purchase ( rather than ‘ final salary'/ ‘ defined benefits ’ ) contracted-out occupational pension schemes or COMPS ( see Ward , 1990 , pp. 37–9 ) targeted at those occupational groups which include preponderantly female lower-paid staff .
12 And over 4½ million people are now building up their own personal pensions .
13 Having waited patiently to see the fruits of Independence , people are now asking how their ‘ daytime socialist ’ leader can afford to drive brand-new imported cars while ‘ shortage of foreign exchange ’ prevents purchase of spare parts for the run-down buses .
14 Does my right hon. Friend share my view that those people who may wish to have a dialogue with Mr. Le Pen are simply selling short their country and their countrymen ?
15 Roland is the emblem of the Old Town : he does appear to be trespassing , but the Old Town originally paid for the upkeep of the bridge , so they are here staking out their territory .
16 A relative who is staying at the Bennetts ' Liverpool Road home stressed today that they were not building up their hopes .
17 Whilst the plague lasted many chaplains and curates were not carrying out their duties and the Bishop commanded them under pain of interdict and suspension to return to their parishes .
18 Foreign artists were desperately hunting out their papers and passports and some of them , including Amedeo de Sousa Cardoso , decided to leave Paris and go home .
19 shared the concern and felt that the Institute could be pushed aside by the larger companies who were already carrying out their own teaching and might decide that they did not need the Institute or its standards .
20 The children were still crying so their mother promised them ice cream and sweets from the city .
21 She slipped her arm through mine , I picked up my rifle from the corner near to the band , who were now packing up their instruments .
22 Here , the t term is negative and significantly so : on average , subjects were correctly tapering down their production as the horizon approached .
23 For instance you could n't , like nowadays , tighten up a slack scene where people were n't picking up their cues so quickly by cutting out a few pauses here and there .
24 It is what happens when the boss is not breathing down their necks . ’
25 I mean , surely somebody 's not carrying out their work ?
26 The argument goes that if an issue has been over-subscribed , people who come in late already know that it has been a success and are therefore cutting down their risk .
27 I mean , at the moment , three or four groups are actually pushing up their annuity rates again er to get business in .
28 Okawi had prepared the hunting canoes and was now praying over their steep sides .
29 Everyone was upstairs rolling up their hair
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