Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] from [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Buzz had read newspaper accounts of old people who had been forcibly removed from their homes and admitted to nursing homes ; such people had been robbed by the very guardians who were legally supposed to care for them .
2 CHEESE AND TOMATO : Hard cheese is n't moist enough to encourage bugs to grow , and tomatoes are rarely contaminated from their greenhouses .
3 The most healing tears are those which neither overwhelm us with pain , nor are so detached from our feelings that we do not really own them .
4 As one patient ironically points out : ‘ It 's really strange for you to bring a play about madness to Broadmoor — we are so protected from it here . ’
5 It was , said Fry J. , at p. 196 , ‘ plain that the plaintiffs , at the time when they executed the deed , had not been entirely emancipated from their father 's control …
6 Please note that where an area is marked for cyclists ( as in Middle Meadow Walk ) pedestrians have not been physically excluded from it and may use it ; also children or dogs may run on to it unexpectedly .
7 All are best ordered from your local bank at least a week before departure .
8 These are called " optimising models " and are best known from their application to queuing , scheduling and routing problems .
9 The following definitions are best known from his Dictionnaire de musique ( 1768 ) , but date essentially from the early 1750s .
10 As TR1 and D1 are not isolated from their heatsinks , these ‘ sinks must NOT touch the diecast screening box when it is finally fitted over them .
11 Will he also impress upon the building societies involved that they have a duty and an obligation to ensure that people are not evicted from their homes until the compensation scheme can take effect ?
12 Our mind , emotions and spirit — integral to our physical well-being , or conversely our state of disease — are not divorced from our cellular components , and the known ability of the mind to influence DNA coding ( or vice versa ) and therefore enzyme activity , opens doors to a view of the human entity that has far-reaching implications yet to be realized .
13 It is essential , though , that the knowledge and skills people have are not taken from them , repackaged and sold to them at exorbitant prices .
14 Plainly , there is therefore an absolute necessity of early identification of all witnesses upon whom one might rely , even if at that stage statements are not taken from them , thus for example , it would be good practice to identify all those persons who witnessed the accident , who were working in the vicinity of the pursuer at the time of the accident , together with those who have a supervisory function , such as Foreman , Supervisors and Shift Managers .
15 The number of choices , say in box sizes or colours of material , can sometimes be limited by the teacher so that the youngest children are not discouraged from their natural urge to sort .
16 If children are beaten with a stick by their parents when they transgress , he suggests that they will tend to avoid transgressing on those occasions when their actions are not concealed from their parents .
17 Further , it is possible to argue , as Millett ( 1983 ) has done , that because science and technology are instrumental in maintaining male dominance , women are deliberately excluded from them .
18 On 20 December Pope Clement V was persuaded to issue a Bull , declaring that the concessions Edward had made had been unjustly extorted from him by force , were incompatible with his coronation oath to defend the honour and rights of the Crown , and were therefore null and void .
19 In actual practice you could find an analysis that very often the things that have been repressed have not been repressed in the sense that they 've been totally submerged from your consciousness and totally forgotten without any trace , but what often happens is they 've become isolated or , or divorced from their context in your memory .
20 Estimates of what goes into landfills are usually extrapolated from what people buy .
21 32 ( 1 ) Subject to subsection ( 3 ) below , where in the case of any action for which a period of limitation is prescribed by this Act , either — ( a ) the action is based upon the fraud of the defendant ; or ( b ) any fact relevant to the plaintiff 's right of action has been deliberately concealed from him by the defendant ; or ( c ) the action is for relief from the consequences of a mistake ; the period of limitation shall not begin to run until the plaintiff has discovered the fraud , concealment or mistake ( as the case may be ) or could with reasonable diligence have discovered it …
22 However , from our present perspective it is actually more pertinent to turn the question round the other way and ask : why is it that some people , despite having a strong genetic disposition for psychotic illness do not actually break down — or , even if they do , are partly protected from its more devastating effects ?
23 If one remembers that the rebels had sympathizers in London , although these may have been partly alienated from them by the disorders , it is all the more remarkable how quickly the city authorities reasserted their control and obtained substantial support .
24 McMillan was stopped in the eighth round because his left arm had been viciously dislocated from its shoulder socket — but at the time our Colin was hanging on for grim life .
25 Three stars are hereby deducted from your promotion chart ! ’
26 Circular temples are often difficult to identify unless they are clearly differentiated from their domestic counterparts .
27 New operatives are routinely seconded from their normal jobs to learn the computer techniques required for the new plant operations .
28 Are we meant to take it seriously ? premature babies are routinely taken from their mothers on the maternity ward into intensive care , or sterile areas , often for long periods and although their mothers might miss them , it would be thought sentimental to claim the opposite .
29 However the textured topside can easily mark or snag , and paste can not be successfully removed from it .
30 If you 're worried that your baby might fall out of his pushchair , or worse still be forcibly taken from it , Babysave is a new device specially designed to alert you instantly .
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