Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] [prep] each " in BNC.

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1 It is often more useful for the historian to compare types of local community which are widely separated from each other than to make comparisons with nearby settlements .
2 It is equally important that their different roles and functions are properly co-ordinated with each other , so that the participants in the process are mindful of all of the child 's needs and rights , that they keep each other well informed , ensure that nothing gets ‘ left out ’ and yet avoid duplication .
3 When EF lies in a Landau level ( Figure 4 ) , scattering is possible and the current flow comprises electrons with paths that are constantly modified at each collision .
4 However , it seems possible that several of these words should label distinct properties or relations which however are necessarily related to each other in ways which the definitions articulate .
5 Foucault thus modifies his argument that reason simply excluded madness and initiated the possibility of history by suggesting instead that the histories of the Other and of the Same are necessarily implicated within each other .
6 Most market indices are highly correlated with each other , for example , the FT 30 , the FTSE 100 and the FT All Share Indices .
7 ‘ The two Testaments are organically linked to each other .
8 The frequencies obtained in longitudinal or in torsional vibrations are harmonically related to each other , as was not the case in flexural vibration ( the vibrating reed ) .
9 The third image pictures the state in liberal democratic societies as a corporatist network , integrated with external elites into a single control system : here talk of external control versus state autonomy is irrelevant , for state and economic elites are so interpenetrated by each others ' concerns that no sensible boundary line or balance of influence can be drawn .
10 Here they are so clustered upon each other ; court within court , yard within yard , and lane within lane , in a manner to defy description … .
11 In this process a particular economic system or mode of production , a political system or form of the state , and cultural norms , although they undergo a partly autonomous development , are nevertheless connected with each other in such a way as to reproduce a total society .
12 Although love between human beings has in the first place a physical basis , in that two people are physically attracted to each other , ultimately it is not physical but mental .
13 A modular structure is one in which groups of components are functionally isolated from each other so that , if one group is damaged , the rest continue to function normally .
14 Hence , the emphasis on selection today is more to identify specific clones of Pinot Noir , Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay which are best suited to each individual village .
15 Such pupils are likely to flourish in a class where the ambience is not competitive , pupils ' achievements are not ranked against each other , and individual progress and achievement are encouraged in their own right .
16 They are , therefore , formulaic in character and although they may call for some adaptation for contextual fit they are not composed on each occasion from constituent parts .
17 He points out that even at Poole the two spits are not aligned with each other as one would expect had they been remnants of a former baymouth bar .
18 They are not associated with each other ; Epsilon is over 4500 light-years away , Zeta only a little over 500 light-years , so that their juxtaposition in the sky is pure coincidence .
19 Creatures , therefore , are not disconnected from each other , though only fellow members of a species appear to possess the capacity for the fullest understanding of each other .
20 Honestly , Rachel , you 've only got to see the two of you together — you 're just made for each other . ’
21 ‘ That we 're physically attracted to each other , and that 's as far as it goes ? ’
22 This system is so named because at beast two accounts ( for example , cash , stock , accounts payable ) are always affected by each transaction .
23 The members are contractually bound to each other .
24 Examination pieces have been specially written for each grade in a variety of styles and will be performed at the exam by the student using backing tapes .
25 It is not necessary to conflate the two to recognize how artifice and expression are deeply implicated with each other in his work — how one can only speak freely by playing a part , like Cyrano in the shadows .
26 The single spiniform apical papilla is flanked by 6 or more rugose , often blunt and peg-like oral papillae which are irregularly arranged on each side .
27 Balance sheets are usually produced for each account , but the operating accounts are in much more detail : the General Fund will be segregated into , for example , education , public health , roads .
28 The control and management strategies are directly correlated to each specific disaster scenario .
29 Or how is it that faith and uncertainty are automatically associated with each other while knowledge is regarded as certain and therefore different ?
30 Multi-stage sampling surveys of this kind are most effective when the sampling units are carefully stratified at each stage .
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