Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For example , it is not widely known that there were turntables at both Bishop 's Castle and Stretford Bridge in the line 's early years , though they seem to have been little used and the railway gained its reputation for unusual working practices right from the start .
2 He told me some hair-raising stories of the casual , careless way in which bodies can be handled at the undertaker 's and in transit , the most common being losing the coffin on the way to the funeral because the doors have not been properly secured or the wrong name-plates having been attached , resulting in great distress to the relations of the deceased and confusion for the minister concerned , all of which made our dealings with Nigel seem positively reverential !
3 The company says the site has been properly sealed and no outside contamination has been found .
4 I am extremely grateful to the chairman of the Greater London Territorial , Auxiliary and Volunteer Association , Sir Greville Spratt , and to Brigadier Peter Bowser , the secretary , for all that they have done to lead the way in ensuring that the Government have been properly informed that the Territorial Army is adequately provided for in the future .
5 In another case , the Court of Appeal held that a prosecution had been properly discontinued when a defendant had taken out a private prosecution for perjury against a witness who had given evidence against him at committal proceedings .
6 The important role of Helicobacter pylori in idiopathic duodenal ulcer disease has been widely acknowledged since the clear demonstration that ulcer relapse or remission is strongly associated with H pylori colonisation or absence from the gastric mucose .
7 In the early decades of the century it had been widely assumed that the distinct geographical provinces of the modern world had only come into existence quite recently in geological terms .
8 It has also been widely observed that the form of intonation is different in different languages ; for example , the intonation of languages such as Swedish , Italian or Hindi is instantly recognisable as being different from that of English .
9 The difficulties faced by the Textile and Clothing industries have been widely reported and the 1990 export figures reinforce the picture of decline .
10 Mauroy 's departure had been widely expected since the party 's extraordinary congress in December [ see below ] , which had failed to resolve personal rivalries .
11 This development had been widely predicted since the appointment of Keizo Obuchi as leader of the Takeshita faction in succession to Shin Kanemara , who had been forced to resign from the Diet in October as a result of the Sagawa Kyubin scandal [ see pp. 39140-41 ] .
12 Five national opinion polls in tomorrow 's newspapers are keenly awaited after a survey in London showed Labour 's lead slipping a couple of points .
13 In the town centre , in the upmarket shopping precincts near St Stephen 's Cathedral , the old buildings have been elegantly restored and the new ones are all polish and price .
14 If the Society is satisfied that the above criteria are fulfilled , and if the appropriate forms are duly completed and the fees have been paid , the Law Society may at its discretion register the foreign lawyer in the register of foreign lawyers .
15 ( a ) Meetings and their conduct Whatever may have been agreed as to the taking of decisions by unanimous or majority vote , as much a matter of good management as of good faith is the need to ensure that all relevant information is given to all the partners before a vote is taken : the requisite majority of partners should not purport to take decisions and act on them behind the backs of the minority unless such has been expressly authorised or the need for immediate action precludes the convening of a partners ' meeting ; and even then there should be no delay before all partners are acquainted with the circumstances and invited to ratify any decision taken in their name .
16 In Helby v. Matthews he was merely hiring them and in Lee v. Butler it had been expressly agreed that the furniture was not to become his property until the payments had been completed .
17 ‘ However much analogy may lead us to conjecture the universal prevalence of law and orderly sequence , it has been acutely remarked that the phenomena which are most immediately important to the life and welfare of man are precisely those which he has never been , and probably never will be , able to reduce to a scientific calculation .
18 Refineries are properly supplied and the market works in proper conditions .
19 Our product support team can also ensure that microscopes are properly installed and the user fully familiarised with its operation .
20 Recently , cDNAs encoding TFIID ( 13,14 ) , IIB ( 15 ) , IIE ( 16,17,18 ) and IIF ( 19,20,21 ) have been successfully cloned and the primary structure of each factor reported .
21 Some grant funding has been successfully arranged and the building should be completed by March , 1993 .
22 When extensions have been applied , they are professionally styled and a make-up expert will give your a complimentary make-over to complete your new look
23 All staff are professionally qualified and the play areas and crèche are supplied with a wide range of play materials and approved equipment .
24 All staff are professionally qualified and the play areas and crèches are supplied with a wide range of play materials and approved equipment .
25 However , under para 8(c) of FRS 1 , the UK subsidiaries may claim exemption from FRS 1 if they are wholly owned and the UK parent publishes consolidated financial statements and those consolidated financial statements include a consolidated cash flow statement dealing with the group 's cash flows .
26 As the water is added and the liner tightens , the anchoring weights around the pool are slowly released until the pool becomes full and the liner moulds to its exact shape .
27 Its biochemical causes are little understood but the effects of the disease in terms of organic deterioration are irrefutable and its effects on behaviour catastrophic .
28 He had been badly damaged when the Zionists had sent their commando squad with explosives to La Seine-sur-Mer , close to the French port of Toulon , to destroy the two reactors that were to have been shipped to Tuwaithah 48 hours later .
29 Fifty years later , all chemists are taking pleasure in the recent restoration of John Dalton 's papers , which had been badly charred when the premises of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society were destroyed during the Blitz .
30 A mother and her four children have been badly hurt when a train hit their van on an unmanned level crossing .
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